Examples of Writing Styles and What To Use Them For

by Outranking
Updated On: October 6, 2023
Examples of Writing Styles and What To Use Them For

You are a content writer who is learning about different writing styles. But what do they mean for your audience? Content writers have to navigate through so many topics and types of writing in order to create their own unique pieces that the process can be difficult.

This article will go over four important forms of writing, including narrative, expository, descriptive, and persuasive; providing examples with each form as well as individual benefits for each style.

What are the four different types of writing styles and formats (And Examples)?

The four different types of writing styles are persuasive, descriptive, narrative, and expository.

What is persuasive writing?

Persuasive writing is a type of writing style that is used to convince the reader about something. The goal of persuasive writing is to get the reader to agree with the author’s opinion or take some form of action. This type of writing can be found in many different places, such as in advertisements, blog posts, emails, and letters. It is typically written when the author has a strong opinion on something and wants to encourage people to take action regarding any issue.

Persuasive writing style example

persuasive writing

Advertisements, newspaper columns, and even social media posts are all trying to get us to think or do something. The goal of persuasive writing is to change the reader’s mind or get them to take a certain action. To be successful, the writer must understand their audience and use language that appeals to them.

The purpose of persuasive writing is to encourage the reader to either buy a product or do something. The writer’s job is to make the argument in a clear and concise way so that the reader cannot help but be persuaded. You can find a lot of persuasive writing examples here.

Where is persuasive writing used?

Persuasive writing is used in many different areas, such as letters of complaint, advertisements, commercials, affiliate links blog pitches, cover letters, and newspaper opinion and editorial pieces.

What is descriptive writing?

A descriptive writing style is used to provide a detailed account of the subject matter. The purpose of descriptive writing is to paint a picture in the reader’s mind by using words that describe smell, taste, sound, sight, and touch.

In descriptive writing, the author uses many different devices to make the reader feel as if they are right there experiencing the work. This is often done with metaphors and similes, which create a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. The goal of descriptive writing is to transport the reader into the story or experience so that they can understand it better.

Descriptive writing style example

descriptive writing

Descriptive writing is an effective way to describe the scene and the characters. Most pieces using only descriptive writing style are not very long. This allows the reader to feel like they are right there with the author experiencing the scene.

In descriptive writing, the author uses sensory details to create a vivid picture for the reader. This type of writing can be seen in personal essays, short stories, and even some news articles (e.g., narrative). It can occasionally be seen used in more formal writing to help explain an idea more deeply or get the reader to emotionally connect with the story you’re telling.

Descriptive writing can be found in poems or song lyrics, fiction and nonfiction novels, short stories, and even copywriting. The goal of descriptive writing is to paint a picture with words so the reader can see, feel smell, and taste what the writer is describing.

Where is descriptive writing used?

Descriptive writing can be used to describe different aspects of the world. It can be used to describe fiction, plays, songs, poetry, and journals. It can be used to describe nature and animals descriptions. It can be used to describe the environment.

What is narrative writing?

The narrative writing style is used to tell a story. A story can be fictional or non-fictional. The narrative writing style can be used in novels, short stories, or even biographies. In narrative writing, the writer tells a story that happens to a character. This type of writing is often used in fiction and creative writing, but it can also be used in nonfiction to make true stories more compelling to your reader.

Narrative writing style example

narrative writing

In narrative writing, a story is told. This style is great for connecting facts and teaching readers without explaining. It’s also a great way to grab a reader’s attention. For example, an article about a new restaurant might start with a brief description of the restaurant and then tell the story of the people who went there. This type of writing is often more engaging than text that simply lists facts.

Narrative writing is a type of writing that tells a story. It can take different forms, such as personal essays, fairy tales, short stories, novels, plays, screenplays, and autobiographies.

Where is narrative writing used?

Narrative writing is used in a variety of contexts, such as personal essays, fairy tales, short stories, novels, plays, and screenplays. In each case, the writer tells a story that engages the reader. The story may be fictional or based on real-life events.

What is an expository style?

Expository writing is a style of writing that is used to explain or describe something. This type of writing is often found in written work that contains information, facts, and insight about a particular subject. Expository writing can be used for a variety of purposes, such as informing or persuading an audience.

Examples of expository style

expository writing

Expository writing can be found in textbooks, how-to articles, recipes, news stories, and a variety of other places. Expository writing is often used in business, technical, and scientific writing because it allows the writer to provide clear and concise information.

For example, a person might write about their favorite hobby, or what they enjoyed doing in their free time. This type of writing helps the reader understand the author’s thoughts and feelings. It can also offer practical advice to people who share the same interests.

Where is expository writing used?

Expository writing is used to explain a given topic. This type of writing is often found in textbooks and how-to articles. It can also be found in news stories, which are not usually composed with an ideological or subjective aim in mind. Additionally, business, technical, or scientific writing may use expository writing to provide information to a wider audience.

What is creative writing? Poetic, Book writing, Script writing, etc.

Creative writing is a style of writing that is not constrained by the traditional rules of grammar or syntax. It allows the author to be more expressive and creative in their writing. Creative writing can be used for a variety of purposes, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and scripts.

Each form has its own set of rules and techniques that must be followed in order to create a successful work. However, at the end of the day, it’s all about exploring one’s creativity and telling a story in an interesting way.

Creative writing style example

examples of writing styles - creative writing

Take for example an essay where the author uses creative writing to surprise and engage the reader. They might start by describing a sunset, using unique adjectives and phrases. After that, they might jump into a discussion on the meaning of life, which is very unconventional for an essay. Fiction writing, which includes novels, short stories, and graphic novels, can be realistic or based on imagination. The writer can create characters, settings, and events that are not based on reality.


What is Review Writing?

Review writing is when someone writes a review of a product, service, or event. It can take many forms: formal reviews that are published in magazines or newspapers, online reviews submitted by customers, or even a review written by the business owner themselves.

What are the characteristics of good educational writing?

A well-written essay is clear, concise, and easy to follow. The writer’s main points are easy to find and the argument is logical. The writing is also well crafted, with strong supporting evidence and thoughtful analysis. In addition, a good writer has a unique voice that makes their writing stand out from the rest.

What are the characteristics/components of good writing?

The characteristics of good writing are the following: fluency in sentence structure, a sense of purpose and organization, and interesting content with no unnecessary details or digressions.

How do you develop great writing skills?

Like any other skill, writing can be improved with practice. The more you write, the better you will get at it. Writing is also like cooking or playing sports in that it takes time and effort to develop great skills. But, with a little bit of work, you can become a master writer.

Daily writing exercises are a great way to develop your writing skills. Find a partner and read each other’s paragraphs. See where changes can be made to improve the paragraph.