B2B Blogging Strategy: How To Build Your Business Blog Into a Marketing Platform

by Outranking
Updated On: October 6, 2023
B2B Blogging Strategy: How To Build Your Business Blog Into A Marketing Platform

B2B Blogging Strategy: How To Build Your Business Blog Into A Marketing Platform

How To Build Your B2B Blogging strategy

Blogging is an effective tool for marketing. In fact, you can use blogging as a business strategy if you know how to do it right.

There are 2 key factors that make the difference between blog posts that work like magic and those that sit there to collect dust: building trust and having valuable content on your blog day after day after day. In this post, we share some tips for making your blog work for you.

What is B2B blogging?

B2B blogging is the process of creating and publishing content that is relevant to businesses. The content can be in the form of blog posts, videos, infographics or any other type of content that is helpful to businesses. The main goal of B2B blogging is to help businesses learn more about a particular topic or to help them solve a problem.

B2B blogging should also generate organic traffic, leads, and revenue for your business, which is a crucial part of a successful SEO strategy for B2B.

Zapier found that businesses who blogged generated an average of 600,000 monthly visits via 59,000 Google keyword rankings. That’s a lot of exposure!

What are the benefits of B2B blogging for businesses?

Some benefits of B2B blogging for businesses include:

  • Increased web traffic
  • Increased brand awareness
  • Increased leads
  • Increased customer loyalty
  • Increased SEO rankings, a result you can verify using an SEO friendly URL test .

For starters, blog posts help you to reach potential customers with value. In addition, they can help you to establish yourself as an authority in your field, which is important in the world of thought leadership.

Another great benefit of blogging for businesses is that it helps them to gain domain expertise and authority. This is important because it allows businesses to rank higher on search engines, which can result in more traffic coming their way. And when it comes to B2B blogging (where the cost per click with ads can be $100+), that traffic can be very beneficial indeed!

All in all, blogging offers a range of advantages for businesses of all sizes. And when it comes to B2B blogging, the benefits are even greater!

Increase web traffic

Research shows that companies that blog receive 97 percent more lead from their website than those that don’t. This is because when you blog, you are adding fresh content to your website on a regular basis, which helps to improve your site’s SEO ranking, rank for more keywords, and generate more traffic. As a result, people are more likely to find your website when they search for keywords related to your business.

You can get an idea about which keywords are important for your business by using Outranking.io Related Keywords feature.

Keyword Research

As well as High Frequency Keywords that can be found when you create an article in the Editor, allowing you to streamline the process of writing a blog:

High Frequency Keyword for Blog

Generate leads and sales

Blogs provide businesses with a platform to share their expertise on topics relevant to their target market. As readers learn more about that topic and the solutions you offer, they may be more likely to reach out for more information or become customers.

Increase brand awareness and visibility

By providing valuable information and insights, businesses can build trust with their target audience. When people trust a business, they are more likely to do business with them. In addition, blogging helps businesses connect with their target audience on a deeper level. People are more likely to buy from a business that they feel understands them and shares their values.

Establish your company as an industry authority

Becoming a source of information and insight for your potential customers is very valuable. As people come to trust the information you provide, they’re more likely to do business with you.

Creating a B2B blogging strategy

B2B blogging should be approached a little differently than B2C blogging. The tone and content should be more professional, and the main goal should be to provide valuable information and insights to your target audience.

Here’s how easy it is to change the tone of voice when you use an AI writing and SEO optimization platform like www.outranking.io:

B2B blogging strategy

Determine your target industry and your niche

What are their interests? What keeps them up at night? Once you have a good understanding of your target market, you can start creating content that resonates with them.

Once you have determined your target industry, the next step is to determine your niche. Your niche should be something that you are passionate about and knowledgeable about. It’s important to focus on a specific topic rather than trying to cover too many topics in your blog. This will help you to create relevant and interesting content for your readers.

By sharing valuable content with your audience, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. In addition, effective blogging can help you to generate leads and increase traffic to your website.

Determine the buyer personas and audience

The first step in any effective marketing campaign is determining your buyer personas and audience. This requires brands to take a close look at their customer base and identify the key demographics and psychographics of their customers. Armed with this information, brands can then create content and messaging that resonates with their target audience.

This will help you create content that is relevant and interesting to your readers. You’ll also need to consider what type of content you want to produce, and how often you can publish new posts.

Create a content strategy by identifying the target keywords to create blogs around

The first step in creating a content strategy is to identify the target keywords that you want to rank for. Once you know your target keywords, you can create blogs around those keywords that will help you rank higher in the SERPs.

Once you know which keywords you want to focus on, you can start creating content around those topics that will help you attract and retain customers.

For example, when I checked in Outranking “b2b blogging” is only getting 140 searches per month on average. But “business blogging” in 1600 searches per month. While admittedly is not the same, you get my point.

content strategy by identifying the target keywords

Create a content marketing strategy

Perhaps most important is understanding your audience and what kinds of content they’re interested in. You’ll also need to come up with a content calendar that outlines which topics you’ll be writing about and when. And lastly, make sure you have the resources in place to create high-quality content on a regular basis.

By putting forth the extra effort, you can set yourself apart from the competition and attract more leads and customers.

Use on-page optimization and SEO content writing tools to create optimized content for search engines

AI SEO and writing tools like outranking.io will help you produce and optimize existing content that is more likely to be found and ranked by search engines.

Here’s a 4-minute video showing how easy it is to follow a step-by-step SEO optimization workflow to optimize existing content or write AND optimize it, all in 1 platform:

Use Outranking to create and optimize content.

Here’s how you can find your target keyword, auto-create an outline for your post, and have an 80% finished the post with Outranking content platform by clicking 1 extra button:

Create in-depth and pillar-page blog posts

In-depth content is a comprehensive article that covers a specific topic in detail. A pillar page is an article (or series of articles) that serves as the main hub for a given topic on your website.

In-depth articles help you demonstrate your expertise and authority on a given subject, while pillar pages act as the foundation for your website’s SEO efforts. By creating both types of content, you’ll be able to attract more visitors and boost your website’s search engine ranking.

Create relevant and engaging content for your website

Many of the best blog posts are those that are helpful and informative. Take the time to do your research, and then put together a well-crafted post that will help your readers solve a problem or learn something new.

Infographics, videos, and images can help break up your text-heavy blog posts and make them more appealing to readers. And don’t forget to use social media to share your content! Post links to your latest blog post on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, and see how much traffic you can generate from just one post.

Use calls to action in your posts

CTAs are phrases or buttons that encourage readers to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a white paper. Including CTAs in your content can help you increase leads and conversions.

There are a few things to keep in mind when including CTAs in your blog posts:

– Make sure the CTA is easy to see and stands out from the surrounding text.

– Use clear and concise language that tells readers what they need to do.

– Make sure the CTA links to a landing page where readers can complete the desired action.

– Test different CTAs to find ones that work best for your audience.

Keep these tips in mind when creating your next post!

Do blog promotion through social media and sharing on other channels

When you finish creating a blog post, you are not done yet. You need to plan your promotional strategy. Where will you share this post? Which Facebook groups or community threads?

Build Internal links and backlinks

Internal links are such an underutilized way of bringing SEO juice and page authority to your newly created page.

Check out this quick video explaining an awesome feature we created for you at Outranking, allowing you to find the most relevant pages to link to and from to build authority for your newly published post and allow it to get indexed and ranked faster:

Analyze and measure the blog performance

This will help you determine which pieces of content are resonating with your audience and generate the most leads, as well as where you should focus your energies going forward.

There are a number of different ways to measure the success of your blog posts, including:

– How many people are reading your content?

– What percentage of readers are converting into leads?

– Which pieces of content are getting the most shares and likes on social media?

– Are rankings improving for the post and do you see it ranking for more keywords over time?

By analyzing this data, you can start to see which topics resonate most with your audience, what formats work best for your blog, and where you should concentrate your marketing efforts.

We’ve built the Quick Winds feature for this, so be sure to check it out:

Analyze and measure the blog performance

Understand the importance of blogging for your business

A well-written blog can be a valuable marketing tool. By following these steps, you can create high-quality content that will help you connect with your target audience and drive traffic to your website. In this guide, we outline the basics of creating a successful business blog and show you how to use Outranking’s on-page optimizer to improve the probability of your content ranking in search engines.