How to Write a Travel Blog: Tips, Tricks, and Examples for Travel Bloggers

by Outranking
Updated On: October 8, 2023
How to Write a Travel Blog: Tips, Tricks, and Examples for Travel Bloggers

If you’re just beginning your journey into the world of travel blogging, this article is for you. It’s hard to know where to start and what best practices to implement to optimize your blog traffic and achieve your goals.

Many people are interested in becoming digital nomads and travel bloggers. But even with major competition, if you follow these tips outlined below, the chances are very good that you’ll have a successful blog.

The numerous tips mentioned throughout this guide can help you start your own travel blog. Our emphasis is on the most effective ways to create successful blog content for aspiring travelers and how to use the best tools and techniques to write your own travel blog.

What is a travel blog?

A travel blog is a website written by one or more writers who blog about their travels. A travel blog can be a way to share and reflect on adventures and trips to inspire others to take the plunge into the world of travel technology solutions. It’s a great way to earn money, especially if you’re meticulous in branding yourself online and talented at photography and writing.

What are the benefits of writing a travel blog?

Writing a travel blog can help you share your experiences with others

Writing a travel blog can benefit both the author and the reader. For the author, it is a way to share experiences with others and provide value to readers by answering questions that help them achieve something meaningful. It is also important to be clear and genuine in order to avoid excessive self-promotion. For the reader, travel blogs can be a valuable way to learn about new cultures and get inspiration for future plans.

The post What Vietnam Was Like For Me is a typical example of a writer sharing their travel experience with others.

Writing a travel blog guide can help you connect with other travelers

When you write a travel blog, you have the opportunity to connect with other travelers in person and online. This can help you get guest blog opportunities and referrals from other bloggers. You can also feature sponsored posts from other travel bloggers, which can help you finance your travels.

Writing a travel blog can build passive income and help you make more money

If you want to build passive income from your travel blog, you can take one of several approaches. You can sell advertising space on your blog, work with brands as an influencer, or do affiliate marketing.

Selling advertising space is one of the most common ways to make money from a travel blog. You can sign up with an advertising network like Google Adsense or Mediavine, or you can work directly with brands like Airbnb.

Working with brands is another great way to make money with your travel blog. Brands will often pay you to promote their products or services. This can take the form of a sponsored post, where you write about the brand, or affiliate marketing, where you promote the brand and earn a commission on sales.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn passive income from your travel blog. When someone clicks on your link and buys something, you earn a commission. This is an easy way to make money without having to do much ongoing work.

17 tips for writing your travel blog

Write about your personal experiences to show your travel blogging life

People love reading personal travel blogs because they can immerse themselves in the experiences of the writer. It’s interesting to read about someone else’s experiences in a different place, and it can be helpful to get tips and advice from somebody who has first-hand experience.

When writing about your personal experiences on a travel blog, be engaging and interesting. Write in short passages and include plenty of detail so that readers can immerse themselves in your story. Use photos and videos to supplement your writing and help readers visualize what you’re describing.

Salt in Our Hair is a travel blog with lots of personal material that you can use for inspiration.

Salt in Our Hair is a travel blog with lots of personal material

Share your travel tips, ideas, and advice on your blog

When writing a travel blog, there are a few ways to make the content more effective. First, include practical advice – this can be anything from tips on saving money to information on the best times to visit certain places. Second, write advice on particular destinations. People want to know about the culture and atmosphere of a place, as well as what to see and do there. Sharing your own interesting experiences will make your blog stand out from the rest.

Here are some tips on how to go about this:

  1. Write destination advice, as well as practical tips to help people save money or have a better experience.
  2. Be honest and open about your travel experiences.
  3. Use photos and videos to illustrate your points and impress your readers.
  4. Use relevant keywords in your blog posts to make them more accessible to a wider audience. Learn more about how using SEO link building can benefit photographers.
  5. Write in a clear, concise, and easy-to-read style.
  6. Keep your blog updated regularly with new content to maintain reader interest.
  7. Be prepared to answer questions about your experiences from readers who may be considering similar travel plans in the future.

Use plenty of photos and videos

Photos and videos are important in a travel blog for many reasons. For one, they bring your writing to life. Having your own photos of the places you visit shows that you have actually been there and captured scenes or moments that other people may not have experienced.

This can make your travel blog stand out from others. Additionally, beautiful photos convey the vastness of the world around us and help readers learn about different cultures and geographies.

How to Write a Travel Blog: Tips, Tricks, and Examples to be a Traveling Blogger

Be detailed and descriptive

When writing about travel, be as specific and detailed as possible. This will help your readers feel like they are right there with you, experiencing everything you are writing about. Pick one or two main attractions to write about when you have limited time in a place. This will allow you to go into more detail about those particular attractions, rather than trying to cover everything.

Include specific images, videos, and information about the attractions, such as walking trails or restaurants. This will give your readers a better idea of what they can expect should they visit the same place.

Write about different types of travel

If you’re looking to write a travel blog that covers different types of travel, then you’ll need to focus on a few key aspects. First, you’ll need to write about your favorite aspects of your travel experiences. This could include anything from your accommodation and views to the facilities and interesting experiences you had while traveling.

Also, provide details about any cultural or culinary hubs that you visit. Holidaymakers always want to know about good places to stay, eat, and sleep. By providing this information in your blog posts, you’re sure to pique their interest.

When describing different types of travel in your blog posts, be sure to focus on the atmosphere and what the place feels like. This is what will really give readers a sense of what it’s like to be there. If you can include any personal anecdotes or recipes for dishes you’ve eaten while traveling, all the better!

Share your travel stories and anecdotes with a good writing flow

Your readers likely want you to share your unique stories and anecdotes on your travel blog. By sharing your personal experiences, you can make the blog more relatable and engaging for the reader. In turn, this will make them more likely to stick around and continue reading.

To be a good storyteller, focus on creating a well-formed and vivid explanation. Keep your passages short and to the point, using strong verbs that paint a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. If you can transport them into your story and make them feel like they’re right there with you, then you’re on the right track!

Offer helpful information, courses, and resources

When creating a travel blog, it is important to offer information and resources that can be useful to readers. A great way to make your travel blog more resourceful is to write guides that include practical information such as relevant internal and external links on the best time to visit, where to stay, and how to get around.

Additionally, you can include essential information such as plug sockets and currency conversion in your posts. By making your blog interesting and valuable to readers, you will likely rank higher on Google.

Participate in travel blogging communities and share your travel life

If you’re interested in travel blogging, one great way to get started is by participating in a travel blogging community. There are many benefits to being involved in such a community, including meeting new people and finding holiday inspiration.

You can find travel blogging communities by doing a simple search online. Another option is to look for social media groups dedicated to travel. Once you’ve found a few communities that look promising, the next step is to participate actively.

This means commenting on other people’s posts, sharing your own experiences, and generally engaging with the community. By doing so, you’ll soon make friends and get inspired for your next trip.

Here is a link to the top travel communities you can join online.

Be active in the comments section of your travel blog

Participating in the comments sections of travel blogs, groups, and forums can help your blog in a few ways. First, it can help you understand readers and their perspectives. Second, it can help build a healthy conversation with them. And third, it can help you grow your readership.

Make friends with other travel bloggers

Travel blogging can be a lonely business if you don’t take the time to make friends with other bloggers. Attending networking events and annual conferences is a great way to meet other bloggers and professionals in the industry. Building relationships with others will help you stay sane when blogging solo.

To reach out to other travel bloggers, join online communities and forums. Becoming an active member of the travel blogging community will set you up for success.

Collaborate with other travel bloggers

Start by finding travel bloggers who are a good fit for your brand. Look for bloggers who have an engaged audience and produce high-quality content. Once you’ve found a few potential partners, reach out and introduce yourself. Be sure to explain what you expect from collaboration and how your brand can benefit their readership.

The best places to find fellow travel bloggers are Facebook groups, Twitter, and forums like Reddit. When looking to collaborate with another business, be prepared to offer something of value in return for their help.

This could be anything from free products or services to exclusive discounts or promotions. Keeping the lines of communication open throughout the collaboration will help ensure that both parties are happy with the arrangement and that the partnership is beneficial for both sides.

Monetize your blog with ads and affiliate marketing programs from a travel company

There are a few ways that you can make money from your travel blog, the most common being through advertising and affiliate marketing programs (like Awin, ShareASale, or Commission Junction). Advertising is easier, but it doesn’t make as much money per visitor.

Affiliate marketing programs can be more profitable, but it takes more time and development to get them running. The best way to monetize your blog is through a combination of both advertising and affiliate marketing. This will help stabilize your business and bring in more money overall.

Here is a list of the best affiliate programs for travel bloggers to earn a steady income.

Monetize videos with YouTube and promote the videos on your blog

You can monetize your travel blog by publishing videos. To do this, you can use advertising, affiliate marketing, and more. However, you must own all the rights to commercially use all visual and audio elements in your videos.

Here is an example of a travel YouTube channel:

Optimize your travel blog for SEO

If you want to rank well on Google, you need to optimize your blog posts for search engines. This includes adding keywords and telling search engines what the post is about. You can also optimize images and other content for SEO.

To improve your ranking, make sure to add an SEO title and description to your posts. Remember to include keywords in your title and description.

Here is a video on how to optimize your content for SEO using Outranking AI:

Create a blogging plan and be persistent

Before you start a travel blog, it’s important to have a plan. You should aim to write three posts per week to get started. Once you’ve written 100 or so posts, take some time to review and improve your old posts. Use a spreadsheet to keep a list of blog post topics so you never run out of ideas.

The most important thing is persistence. Keep writing and posting new content, even if it feels like no one is reading your blog. Over time, you’ll build up an audience of loyal readers who appreciate your content.

Here is how to use Outranking AI Strategist to build a content plan for your travel blog:

Track and optimize blog posts for better ranking after publishing

Your travel blog can be a great way to share your experiences with others and promote your business. To ensure that your blog ranks high in search engine results, use these tips:

1. Use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track which posts are doing well and getting a lot of clicks. This will help you determine what content is most popular with readers and tailor future posts accordingly. Preferably, use the Outranking AI Action feature and connect your Search Console to track your keyword positions and get optimization suggestions for better rankings.

2. Reach out to your readers to get honest feedback. This will help you improve the quality of your blog and also give you an idea of what topics are most interesting to your audience.

3. Make sure your travel blog posts are well-written and relevant to your target audience. Search engines favor high-quality, coherent content, so take the time to write posts that offer value to readers.

4. Use keywords throughout your post, and include them in the title and body. This will help search engines understand what your post is about and index it accordingly.

5. Write about interesting or unique experiences you’ve had while traveling. Readers are always interested in hearing personal stories, so share some of yours!

Tools you will need to set up your travel blog and write successfully


Grammarly helps you write better travel blog posts by catching grammar errors, punctuation mistakes, and more. It also rates the overall quality of your writing and measures clarity, engagement, and correctness. This can help you to improve your writing skills overall.

Proofreading your work is essential before publishing it to ensure that your readers have a positive experience. Grammarly is a great tool to help you find and fix errors in your writing. You can download Grammarly as a standalone application or as a plugin for browsers and other software.

Outranking: AI SEO content creation and optimization tool

Outranking is a tool that provides automated research and content writing. It helps optimize your SEO content, with features such as Featured Snippets and Google NLP.

Outranking provides a comprehensive SEO score for your content. This can help your travel blog in two ways:

First, if you are trying to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), using Outranking can help you improve your content so that it is more likely to show up near the top of the results. Here is how the African safari, travel, and destination blog, improved its organic traffic using Outranking.

Second, even if you are not focused on SEO, Outranking can help by providing automated content suggestions. This can save you time when writing new blog posts since Outranking will do some of the research for you. Whether you are trying to boost your blog’s traffic or just want to make writing new posts easier, Outranking can be a useful SEO keyword strategy tool. Here’s the overall process:

  1. Start by brainstorming a list of potential topics for your travel blog. Consider what you hope to achieve with your blog, who your target audience is, and what kinds of information or stories they might be interested in.
  2. Once you have a list of potential topics, begin researching relevant keywords that you can use in your posts. Use Outranking AI SEO Strategist to identify popular search terms and clusters related to your topic ideas.
  3. Try to find a mix of high-traffic keywords (that get a lot of searches) and low-competition keywords (that are less competitive and easier to rank for). This will give you the best chance of ranking in search engines and driving traffic to your blog.
  4. Include your keywords throughout your blog posts, in the titles, headings, and body text. Be sure to use them naturally and don’t stuff them in just for the sake of it – this will only hurt your chances of ranking well on search engines.
  5. Promote your blog posts on social media and other websites to help get the word out about your content and attract readers from all over the web.

Here is a video on how to write SEO content for a technical keyword using Outranking:

How to do keyword research for a travel blog


Ahrefs is a research tool that can help you find the right keywords for your website or blog. You can use Ahrefs to track your website’s ranking progress and to see how your competitors are performing. Ahrefs also provides competitive intelligence, which can help you understand how your website stacks up against your competitors.

Here is a video on how to do keyword research for your travel blog using Ahrefs:


Semrush is a powerful keyword research tool for boosting your rankings and getting insights into your competitors’ keyword strategies.

To use Semrush for keyword research, simply enter a seed keyword into the search bar to generate a list of related keywords. You can then use the filters to narrow down the list of keywords to find those that are most relevant to your business.

To use Semrush for keyword research

Once you have a list of relevant keywords, you can track your rankings for those keywords using the Rank Tracker tool. This will show how well your website is performing for those keywords and indicate the necessary changes to improve your ranking.

Here is a video on how to do keyword research using the Semrush SEO tool:

You can get more insights into your competitors’ strategies by using the Competitive Analysis tool. This tool will show you which keywords your competitors are targeting and what their estimated traffic is for those keywords. This information can help you adjust your own keyword strategy to better compete against them.

Travel blogs and writing examples

Hiking travel blog example

To write a hiking travel blog, start by planning your trips carefully. Write about your experiences while hiking, and include photos and videos. Write about the scenery, the wildlife, and the people you meet along the way. Make sure to include some safety tips.

MOON & HONEY TRAVEL is a typical example of a hiking blog.

MOON & HONEY TRAVEL is a typical example of a hiking blog.

Camping travel blog example

When creating a camping travel blog, focus on the full range of topics that will be interesting and useful to readers. Camping with Style is a popular blog that covers topics such as travel tips, campsite reviews, gear ratings, and guides. The site is well-designed and easy to navigate, making it a great resource for campers with all levels of experience.

Amanda Outside is another typical example of a camping travel blog.

Amanda Outside is another typical example of a camping travel blog

Faraway trip blog example

Anywhere We Roam is a great travel blog because it uses photos to communicate ideas effectively. The layout is simple and easy to navigate, which allows the photos to take center stage. This is a typical example of a travel blog focused on distant trips.

Faraway trip blog example

Food travel blog example

If you’re a food lover and traveler, then a food blog is the perfect way to share your passion with the world. But how do you go about writing one? Here are some tips:

  • Plan your content. Decide what topics you want to cover and make a list of potential posts. Consider including both general information (such as must-try foods in Paris) and specific recommendations (such as the best croissants in the city).
  • Take great photos. Food travel blogs are all about visuals, so make sure to take high-quality pictures of everything you eat and drink. If possible, use a DSLR camera or at least a solid smartphone camera.
  • Write engaging and informative posts. In addition to beautiful photos, your blog needs well-written content that will keep readers coming back for more. Share your personal experiences, offer helpful tips, and don’t forget to include links to useful websites (such as restaurant menus or booking pages).
  • Promote your blog on social media. Use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to let people know about your blog and drive traffic to your website.

Migrationology is a typical example of a food travel blog.

Migrationology is a typical example of a food travel blog

“Places to see” travel blog example

“Places to see” travel blogs cover different destinations and provide detailed information on what to do while there. They often give recommendations for specific hotels, restaurants, and attractions. These can be extremely helpful for planning trips and making sure you have a great time while you’re traveling.

An example of a “places to see” travel blog is Nomadic Matt:

An example of a "places to see" travel blog is Nomadic Matt

FAQs for becoming a travel blogger

What is a travel blogger?

A travel blogger is someone who enjoys sharing their travel experiences with a broader audience. A travel blog is a personal website that shares a collection of travel insights. Travel bloggers often earn an income from their blogs through advertisements, affiliate sales, or sponsored content.

How do I pick a travel blog niche to write about?

There are many different travel blog niches to choose from. It is important to pick a niche that you are passionate about. Research your niche carefully before choosing a topic. Some popular travel blog niches include budget, solo, luxury, and family travel.

How does writing a travel blog make money?

To make money from your travel blog, you need to attract a larger audience than just your family and friends. One way to do this is by participating in affiliate programs. This involves promoting products or services on your blog and earning a commission when someone buys something.

It takes time to build an audience and grow traffic. Therefore, don’t focus on making money right away. Instead, focus on satisfying your audience. Once you have a large enough following, you can then start taking advantage of the various options for earning money from your travel blog. A common way to make money is by selling advertising space on your blog or displaying ads from Google AdSense.

What is the perfect travel blog post title length?

The perfect length for the title of a travel blog post is between 8 and 12 words. Titles that are too long or too short are less likely to be shared on social media, which means they won’t get as much engagement. The best way to optimize your titles for SEO and engagement is to keep them between 8 and 12 words.

Is starting a travel blog worth it?

There’s no doubt that starting a travel blog is a lot of work. But with more people traveling now than ever, there’s still plenty of opportunity for new creators to join the fray. Not to mention, sharing your passion for travel with the world is an amazing feeling – and there’s no better way to do it than through your very own blog. So if you’re thinking about starting a travel blog, go for it! You won’t regret it.

Can I write about a trip without traveling experience?

Yes, you can write about travel without traveling. It is possible to write about your local area, past trips, or budget-friendly topics without ever having to travel. However, if you want to be a successful travel blogger, you need to have a tight niche that will set you apart from the many other bloggers out there. You may want to head out at least occasionally.

You could write about specific destinations, share your tips and tricks for traveling on a budget, or highlight unique experiences you’ve had locally or while traveling.

What are some travel blog writing examples for beginners?

There are a number of ways to write a travel blog. You can focus on the logistics of your trip, like packing lists and tips. You could also share your experiences and give readers a glimpse into what it’s like to travel to different places.

Additionally, you could write about food, culture, or history related to the places you visit. On the other hand, if you want to start writing a travel blog but don’t know where to begin, take a look at a list of top travel blogs. They are sure to give you inspiration and get your creative juices flowing.