How to Implement SEO for Roofing or Roofing Companies Services Website

by Outranking
Updated On: April 4, 2024
How to Implement SEO for Roofing or Roofing Companies Services Website

Implementing SEO for your roofing company’s website is crucial to increasing your online visibility and attracting potential customers. By optimizing your page with roofing-specific keywords, creating high-quality content, and building backlinks, you can improve your website’s search engine ranking and drive more traffic to your site. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to implement SEO for your roofing company’s website to help you get started.

Why is SEO important for Roofing Companies or Roofer Websites

In the highly competitive and saturated roofing industry, roofing companies face numerous challenges in attracting and retaining clients. In order to improve visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords, the process of SEO involves optimizing a roofing company’s website and online content.

SEO is essential for roofing companies for several reasons. Firstly, it helps roofing companies and roofers’ websites to improve their online presence by increasing their visibility on search engine results pages. By optimizing their website and online content for relevant keywords, roofing companies can ensure that their website appears at the top of search engine results on pages when potential clients search for roofing services. This increased visibility can lead to more website traffic and ultimately, more leads and conversions.

Secondly, SEO can help roofing companies to acquire new clients. By creating helpful, informative content that is optimized for relevant keywords, roofing companies can attract potential clients who are actively seeking roofing services. This content can include blog posts, articles, and videos that provide valuable information about roofing services, such as choosing the right roofing materials or maintaining a roof.

Finally, SEO can have a significant impact on the overall success of a roofing business. By improving their online presence and acquiring new clients, roofing companies can increase their revenue and grow their business. In addition, by making sure that they are visible to potential customers who are actively searching for roofing services, SEO can assist roofing companies in maintaining a competitive advantage over their rivals.

SEO KPIs for roofing companies: How to Measure the Success of Your SEO Strategies

To achieve success with roofing SEO, roofers need to set specific KPIs and goals that align with their business objectives. When it comes to client booking, roofers should ensure that their website is user-friendly and easy to navigate. The website should have clear calls to action that prompt potential clients to book appointments or request quotes. Roofers should also optimize their website content to match users’ search intent and ensure that their contact information is visible and easily accessible.

Appointments are crucial for roofers, and they should prioritize making the booking process as seamless as possible. Roofers can achieve this by integrating online booking systems that allow clients to schedule appointments at their convenience. They should also ensure that they respond promptly to appointment requests and provide clear communication throughout the process.

Position in Google Business is critical for roofers as it determines their online visibility and accessibility to potential clients. Roofers should claim and verify their Google My Business listing, optimize their listing with accurate and up-to-date information, and encourage clients to leave reviews. Positive reviews can boost a roofer’s position in Google Business, making them more visible to potential clients.

How to implement SEO for Roofing Company website

If you’re a roofing company looking to increase your online visibility and attract more customers, implementing SEO strategies on your website can be a game-changer. Detailed illustrations on organizing your website, discovering relevant keywords, producing exceptional content, and establishing reliable procedures are presented by us.

  • Step 1: Create Website Architecture by Breaking the website into core services of your Roofing Company
  • Step 2: Create a list of keywords that relate to the services offered by your roofing company.
  • Step 3: Cluster Keywords in each Roofing Company service area to determine what topics to create
  • Step 4: Develop a schedule for your content and give importance to enhancing search engine optimization
  • Step 5: Develop a process for producing content, and create standard operating procedures and content briefs.
  • Step 6: Create SEO-optimized content for service pages and blogs for your Roofing Company website
  • Step 7: Internal linking optimization
  • Step 8: Acquire backlinks and local references for your Roofing Company’s website
  • Step 9: Enhance website performance and user experience by improving page speed.
  • Step 10: Use of Google search console to track rankings.
  • Step 11: Optimize your Roofing Company’s Local Google My Business account
  • Step 12: Use the right tools to create a process and optimize content
  • Step 13: Focus on the ultimate goal: leads/conversions

Step 1: Create Website Architecture by Breaking the website into core services of your Roofing Company

For a roofing company to enhance its SEO, it is crucial to comprehend the fundamental sectors of its operations. This is because before diving into keyword research, it is important to decide what areas connect most with the company’s core offering.

To break down the website architecture of a roofing company into core offerings, the company should identify the main services it provides. For example, a roofing company may offer services such as roof repair, roof replacement, roof installation, and roof inspection. These services can be considered as the core offering areas.

The table below lists the core service areas and their extended list of sub-areas.

Core Offering AreasExtended List of Sub Areas
Roof Repair1. Single repair
2. Leak repair
3. Flashing repair
4. Chimney repair
5. Gutter repair
Roof Replacement1. Shingle replacement
2. Metal roof replacement
3. Tile roof replacement
4. Flat roof replacement
5. Skylight replacement
Roof Installation1. Shingle installation
2. Metal roof installation
3. Tile roof installation
4. Flat roof installation
5. Skylight installation
Roof Inspection1. General roof inspection
2. Storm damage inspection
3. Leak detection
4. Maintenance inspection
5. Insurance inspection

By breaking down the roofing company’s website architecture into core offering areas and its extended list of sub-areas, the company can better understand its business and focus on the areas that are most important for its SEO strategy. This will help the company to structure its website in a way that is easy to navigate for its customers and search engines, and ultimately improve its online visibility and search engine rankings.

Step 2: Create a list of keywords that relate to the services offered by your roofing company

Three key things to keep in mind when performing keyword research are:

  1. Gather the list of keyword ideas in each of the core areas of your website.
  2. Exclude keywords with outdated or irrelevant phrases to save time and money.
  3. Maintain orderliness by consolidating all core offering areas into a single file each.

To perform keyword research for a roofing company website, you can use Semrush or Outranking. Here are the steps to follow:

Method 1: Use Semrush

  1. Go to Semrush and enter “roofing services” as a keyword.
Screenshot of generated keywords on Semrush relating to the phrase "Roofing Repair"
Make sure to choose the keywords that best represent your Roofing Companies or Roofer services.

2. Select the country and language you want to target.

3. Click “Search” and wait for the results to load.

4. Review the list of keywords and exclude any irrelevant or outdated phrases.

Screenshot of Semrush's keyword filter options.
Narrow down your options.

5. Download the CSV file to analyze every keyword in the file and build an SEO content strategy.


6. Repeat steps 2-4 for each core offering area and each sub-area of focus.

Method 2: Use Outranking

  1. Go to Outranking and select “Roofing” as the industry.
  2. Choose the country and language you want to target.
  3. Click “Generate” to get a list of related keywords.
  4. Review the list of keywords and refine them based on relevance and search volume.
  5. Use Outranking’s cluster analysis to group similar keywords together.
  6. Export the list of refined keywords for each core offering area and each sub-area of focus.

Once keywords for each sub-group in a core service area are collected, the next step is to analyze them. This involves looking at factors such as search volume, competition, and relevance to the website’s content and audience. By doing this, you can prioritize the most important keywords and create a targeted SEO content strategy that will improve your website’s search engine rankings.

Step 3: Cluster Keywords in each Roofing Company service area to determine what topics to create

By clustering keywords, a roofing company website can identify the most relevant and effective keywords to use in its SEO content strategy. Enhancing their website’s search engine rankings can aid in boosting traffic to their site.

For example, a roofing company might have a keyword list that includes terms like “roof repair,” “roof replacement,” “roof inspection,” and “roof maintenance.” By clustering these keywords, the company can identify which terms are related and should be used together in their content strategy.

Two groups of clustered keywords relating to roofing target keywords.
Keywords with the same meaning can be grouped together to make things easier.

To pick primary keywords for each group of clusters, the roofing company should consider factors such as their ability to create better content than their competitors, the number of backlinks their competitors have, and their topical authority in the industry. They should also analyze the competition to see who the dominant competitor is for each relevant keyword and determine if they can outperform at least two of the top competitors.

SEO is a complex and ever-changing field, and it’s important to have someone with expertise to navigate the process and ensure the best results. Additionally, using a tool like Out ranking for keyword clustering can be beneficial for a roofing company. By using Outranking’s clustering tool, a list of keywords can be analyzed and categorized into semantic terms and groups with similar intent. This feature helps the company save valuable time and effort.

Step 4: Develop a schedule for your content and give importance to enhancing search engine optimization (SEO).

The first step is to create a list of primary keywords. The keywords can be mapped out to create a plan and schedule for the content. However, having a list is not enough, it is essential to prioritize it to ensure that the content is on the right path.

Outranking can help with prioritization by providing a priority-setting feature that allows users to set priorities for each keyword. The three priorities that can be set are High, Medium, and Low.

To prioritize keywords for a roofing company website, the following table can be used:

PriorityKeywords ContainingWhy
HighRoof repair, Roof replacement, Roof installationThese keywords are crucial for a roofing company website as they define the services that the company provides. In addition, they have the ability to boost crucial web pages for facilitating information dissemination and position the organization as a leading authority in the field of roofing.
MediumBest roofing company, Top roofing contractor, Affordable roofing servicesThese keywords can place the roofing company among its competitors and help attract potential customers looking for the best roofing services.
LowHow to fix a leaky roof, Educational roofing guides, DIY roofing tipsThese keywords can define the company as a thought leader in the roofing industry and support important pages for the flow of information. However, they may not be as crucial as the high and medium-priority keywords for attracting potential customers.

Step 5: Develop a process for producing content, and create standard operating procedures and content briefs.

For a roofing company looking to implement SEO, having a well-defined process and creating detailed SOPs or content briefs is crucial for success. Here are three expert tips to ensure a thorough content creation and optimization process:

Screenshot of Outranking's "on page local SEO" target keyword overview.
How can you make your roofing company stand out locally?
  1. Creating a solid SEO content brief: Before creating any content, it is important to have a clear understanding of the target audience, keywords, and goals. By creating solid content briefs, you can ensure that everyone involved in the process is on the same page and that the content created aligns with the overall SEO strategy.
  2. Setting up a proper content calendar: A content calendar helps to ensure that content is created and published in a timely and consistent manner. It also helps to ensure that all topics are covered and that there is a good mix of content types.
  3. Setting up an SEO Content Workflow for the tasks: A workflow helps to ensure that everyone involved in the process knows what they need to do and when. It also helps to ensure that tasks are completed promptly and that nothing falls through the cracks.
Screenshot of Outranking's customizable kanban view.
Make it easier on yourself to keep track of your scheduled roofing content.

Using Outranking’s content planner can help ensure the success of the SEO plan. Predefined workflow statuses are available in Outranking and can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of a company. The planner also allows for easy access to all documents and a Kanban view to see what stage each document is in at a glance. Additionally, Outranking’s content strategy tool can be used to create content briefs or create content directly in the SEO content strategy.

For busy business owners who may not have a lot of time to do this all themselves, it is recommended to hire an expert agency or Outranking to help make this plan come to fruition. If you don’t have an in-house SEO team and want to accomplish your goals, it’s recommended that you enlist the help of a skilled organization such as Outranking. This will ensure that the plan is executed successfully and that the company sees the desired results from its SEO efforts.

Step 6: Create SEO-optimized content for service pages and blogs for your Roofing Company website

It is essential for a roofing company to develop content that is optimized for search engines on their service pages and blog, in order to increase the visibility of their website among potential clients. By optimizing content, the roofing company can improve its website’s search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic.

Screenshot of Outranking's generated SEO feedback for the article "SEO for Roofing"
Outranking can make optimizing content for your roofing company that much easier.

Outranking’s AI SEO Quality Content Writing and Optimization Tool can help busy business owners with limited time to write and optimize their pages for the highest possible organic exposure. Outranking provides real-time optimization benchmarks against 20 competing pages from SERPs, title and SEO description optimization, outlines optimization, word count optimization, common NLP terms, unique entities optimization, list and tables optimization, statistics optimization, competitor visualization, media optimization, internal and external links optimization, and featured snippet optimization.

Outranking can be utilized by a roofing company to guarantee that their material is search engine optimized, which helps them save resources and time on content creation. If one is unsure about how to achieve this goal, hiring an agency or consultant can also be an excellent choice.

Step 7: Internal linking optimization

Optimizing existing pages with better internal linking can help improve the overall traffic of the website by borrowing the authority of pages that are already ranking and transferring it to the page that needs to rank for more keywords. Through the examination of page positions, it is possible to pinpoint pages that are ranked in the top 4-14 posts (between 1 and 10) and feature a significant amount of light and dark green. These particular pages possess authoritative qualities which can be enhanced through internal linking optimization.

For a roofing company website, the pages to optimize for internal linking should be those related to roofing services, such as installation, repair, maintenance, and replacement. These pages should have keywords related to roofing, such as “roofing services,” “roof repair,” “roof replacement,” “roof maintenance,” etc., in the top 4-14 positions.

Outranking can connect to the Google search console and identify these pages by integrating with the Google Search Console API. Once connected, Outranking can pull data on the website’s top-performing pages and show internal linking opportunities based on the keywords and positions of those pages. This can help website owners identify the pages that have some authority and can be optimized for internal linking to improve their website’s ranking and traffic. Furthermore, Outranking features an SEO content editor that verifies your content while suggesting internal and external links via connection with your sitemap URL.

Step 8: Acquire backlinks and local references for your Roofing Company’s website

For a roofing company’s website, it is essential to obtain local citations and backlinks to improve its local SEO. Local citations refer to the business name, address, and phone number (NAP) mentioned on different websites other than their own. On the other hand, backlinks are links from external sites that point toward the roofing company’s website.

Screenshot of MJY Construction's Yelp profile.
What does this Yelp profile tell you about this roofing company?

Local SEO can benefit from the use of local citations as they verify the legitimacy, existence, and reliability of a roofing company. Search engines such as Google become more assured that the roofing business is operational and authentic when consistent NAP details appear across multiple reliable sources. A survey by Moz revealed that citations rank fifth in importance for local queries regarding businesses.

Structured and unstructured citations are the two types of citations. The former type presents the NAP of a business and can be found on social media profiles and directory listings. On the other hand, unstructured citations are contextual mentions of a business and are usually found in blog posts, forum posts, or press mentions.

These four steps should be followed by roofing companies when creating citations.

  1. Ensure your business information is included in the key data aggregators – Acxiom, Infogroup, and Localeze. These aggregators disseminate company data to various directories and online platforms.
  2. Submit to other core sites: This includes popular directories like Yelp, Yellow Pages, and Google My Business.
  3. Submit to popular industry and local sites: These are websites specific to the roofing industry or local to the business’s area.
  4. Pursue unstructured citations: These can be obtained through outreach to bloggers, journalists, and other websites.

According to BrightLocal’s Local Consumer Review Survey (2018), 91% of people aged 18 to 34 rely on online reviews just as much as they trust personal recommendations, underscoring the significance of local inspections and citations for roofing companies seeking to draw in potential clients and enhance their regional SEO.

Below is a table with a list of data aggregators and websites roofing businesses should get citations from:

Data AggregatorWebsites to Get Citations From
AcxiomApple Maps, Bing, Citysearch, Facebook, Yahoo! Local
InfogroupFoursquare,, MapQuest, Superpages, TomTom
LocalezeYelp, Yellow Pages, DexKnows, TripAdvisor, Whitepages
Screenshot of MJY Construction's Yellow Pages profile.
How would you improve this profile for your own roofing company website?

Step 9: Enhance website performance and user experience by improving page speed.

In order to improve user experience and satisfaction, it is important for roofing company websites to enhance their page speed and overall website experience by 2024, as this directly influences their search engine rankings. A faster website also leads to higher conversion rates and better search engine rankings.

To quickly optimize page speed and website experience, a roofing company can use better and lighter themes available on Codecanyon and plugins like Nitropack for WordPress.

Step 10: Use of Google search console to track rankings.

As a roofing company owner, it is crucial to connect to Google Search Console and track your website’s ranking to increase your organic traffic. By using the ranking data, you can optimize your existing content, find new opportunities to create fresh content and improve or redirect underperforming pages.

To interpret the website ranking data, you can use the following table:

GoalActionRanking Data
Optimize internal linkingIdentify pages that require enhancement in their internal linking system for the purpose of boosting their Pagerank.Pages containing relevant keywords ranked within the top 4 to 14 positions.
Find new opportunities to build topical authority.Uncover new areas and ideas to create fresh content that can easily rankPages that do not have any top 20 ranking keywords and are not relevant to the user’s search intent.
Find underperforming pagesExpose underperforming pages and either improve them or redirect themPages with no ranking keywords in the top 20 positions that don’t align with the user’s search intent

By taking these actions, you can improve your SEO content strategy and attract more potential customers to your roofing business.

Step 11: Optimize your Roofing Company’s Local Google My Business account

The service known as Google My Business is available at no cost to businesses seeking to enhance the information displayed about them in search engine results. This includes an array of features such as photos, videos, operating hours, and convenient links for making reservations. To optimize their listing for local search, a roofing company can take practical steps such as creating a Google My Business account, adding accurate and detailed information, responding to customer reviews, and regularly updating their listing with new photos and posts.

Screenshot of Google search results for "roofing companies in Boston".
Keep your roofing company on the map by regularly updating your Google Business account.

Expert tips to improve a roofing company’s Google My Business listing:

  1. Create a Google My Business account and verify your business information, including your address, phone number, and website.


A roofing company should ensure that their address is accurate and up to date, so customers can easily find their location and contact them for services.

  1. Add detailed and accurate information about your business, including your business category, description, and services offered.

It is important to note that optimizing a Google My Business listing can be time-consuming and requires expertise in local SEO. Therefore, it is recommended to hire a digital marketing agency to ensure that everything is done correctly and effectively.

Step 12: Use the right tools to create a process and optimize content

The comprehensive SEO business platform, Outranking, is tailored to meet the needs of various businesses and offers a range of services including but not limited to analyzing keywords, optimizing content, and keeping track of performance. Using suggestions for keywords, recommendations for optimizing content, and metrics to measure performance, the roofing firm can proficiently and successfully optimize its web pages.

The roofing company’s success relies heavily on its ability to develop a proficient team that can aid them in accomplishing its objectives. The crucial elements needed for producing outstanding work are effective cooperation and communication among all members of the group. By aligning the team’s goals, delegating individual responsibilities, defining clear targets for every participant, and ensuring accountability at all levels, the firm may increase efficiency, enhance content quality and foster greater teamwork. For any roofing company aspiring to attain its online ambitions through an SEO content strategy approach, it is imperative that they prioritize achieving team alignment as a top priority.

Step 13: Focus on the ultimate goal: leads/conversions

Most websites focus on organic traffic rather than focusing on leads and conversions because organic traffic is the foundation of a successful online presence. It’s the starting point for generating leads and conversions. An example of a short-tailed keyword that brings lots of unrelated traffic is “roofing.” A more specific keyword for a roofing company would be “residential roofing contractor in [city name].” Even though this keyword may only be seen by a few, it can bring a much more targeted audience to the website. It’s essential to focus on leads and conversion and not get distracted by a traffic mindset because ultimately, the goal is to turn website visitors into paying clients.

Ways to assess a service provider for assisting with the SEO of your roofing business.

Skill, evaluations, and outcomes

When assessing an SEO agency for your roofing business’s website, it is crucial to take into account their proficiency, feedback, and accomplishments. The following are some essential aspects to consider.:

  1. Expertise: Look for an agency with at least 5-10 years of real-world experience in SEO, preferably working with websites in the roofing industry. Ask for examples of successful campaigns they’ve run for roofing companies and what unique strategies they used to achieve results.
  2. Reviews: Check online reviews and testimonials from other roofing companies who have worked with the agency. Look for reviews that specifically mention improvements in search engine rankings and website traffic.
  3. Results: Ask for case studies or data on the agency’s past SEO campaigns for roofing companies. Look for statistics on increased website traffic, leads generated, and revenue growth.

For example, when working with a roofing company, our agency applied a proven process and customized approach to SEO. We conducted industry analysis and competitive research to identify opportunities for the company to stand out in its local market. We then developed a unique strategy that included creating high-quality content focused on local roofing trends and optimizing their website for local search terms. As a result, the company saw a 25% increase in website traffic and a 15% increase in leads generated

Roofing or Roofing Companies SEO services offered

If you’re looking for an SEO agency to assist with your roofing company’s website, there are specific essential elements that you should take into account during the assessment process.

  1. Look for experience in the roofing industry: It is recommended to choose an SEO agency that has prior experience working with businesses in your specific industry. Request for evidence such as case studies or demonstrations of their successful collaborations with roofing companies they have worked with previously. For example, “Our agency worked with a roofing company in your area and increased their website traffic by 50% within six months.”
  2. Check for a customized approach: While a proven process is important, a good SEO agency should also tailor their approach to your specific business needs. Ask how they plan to analyze your website and create a strategy unique to your roofing company. For example, “Our agency will perform an in-depth analysis of your website’s current SEO performance and develop a customized strategy to improve your rankings for roofing-related keywords.”
  3. Evaluate their creativity and innovation: A good SEO agency should be able to think outside the box and come up with creative strategies to help your roofing company stand out from the competition. Ask for examples of unique approaches they have used in the past. For example, “Our agency developed a content marketing campaign for a roofing company that included a series of educational videos on common roofing problems and solutions, which resulted in a 30% increase in website traffic and a 20% increase in leads.”
  4. Look for real-world experience: It’s important to work with an SEO agency that has real-world experience and a proven track record of success. Ask how long they have been in business and for references from past clients. For example, “Our agency has been working with roofing companies for over 10 years and has helped increase website traffic by an average of 40% for our clients.”

You can discover an SEO agency that offers personalized, innovative, and powerful tactics to assist your roofing business website in achieving a higher position on search engine result pages by taking into account these elements.

Contract duration and flexibility

There are several essential aspects to take into account when assessing a company’s suitability for providing SEO services for your roofing business website.:

  1. Contract Duration: Look for an agency that offers flexible contract durations. Avoid long-term contracts that lock you in for a year or more. Instead, opt for an agency that offers monthly or quarterly contracts. This will allow you to evaluate the agency’s performance and make changes if necessary without being tied down to a long-term commitment.
  2. Customized Approach: Make sure the agency you choose offers a customized approach tailored to your roofing company’s unique needs and competitive position. Avoid agencies that use cookie-cutter strategies that are not specific to your industry.
  3. Real-World Experience: Look for an agency with at least 5 to 10 years of real-world experience in the roofing industry. This will ensure that they have a deep understanding of the competitive landscape and can provide creative and innovative strategies to help your roofing company stand out.

Example: At XYZ Roofing, we chose an SEO agency that offers monthly contracts and a customized approach tailored to our roofing company’s needs. The agency has over 10 years of experience in the roofing industry and has helped us increase our website traffic by 50% in just 6 months.

Looking for a skilled professional who can create a comprehensive SEO strategy?

To ensure that you make the correct decision when hiring a roofing company for your roofing requirements, it is crucial to have a well-defined SEO strategy in place. That’s where an SEO consultant comes in. Outranking’s SEO consultant and strategist can help you with strategy, planning, and execution to ensure everything goes smoothly and you get the right results when selecting a roofing company. Additionally, we can assist with improving your local SEO as well as mobile SEO while monitoring progress through the use of analytical data and tools to make necessary modifications along the way.

A roofing SEO consultant will help you understand the importance of SEO for your roofing business and how it can impact your online presence. They will also help you identify the right keywords to target, optimize your website for search engines, and build quality backlinks to improve your website’s authority and ranking.

With the help of an SEO consultant, you can make sure that your roofing company is visible to potential customers who are searching for roofing services in your area. You can also ensure that you’re making the right choice when selecting a roofing company by researching and comparing different options.

How much does an agency charge for SEO for roofing companies?

The agency charges approximately $4,500 a month for SEO services for roofing companies. While it may seem expensive, it is important to invest in inbound leads that are exclusive and owned by the company. Results may take 6-9 months for an upward trajectory on traffic or 9-12 months for obvious ROI. Ideal clients have a domain over a year old, use WordPress, have over 500 monthly website visitors, and are willing to collaborate with the SEO company.