Types of Voices in Writing: Narrator’s Voice, Author’s Voice, and Character Voice

by Outranking
Updated On: September 10, 2023
Types of Voices in Writing Narrator’s Voice, Author’s Voice, and Character Voice

Types of Voices in Writing Narrator’s Voice, Author’s Voice, and Character Voice

Voice shows the author’s sense of individuality and personal style in writing. The voice can be heard through word choice, sentence structure, dialogue, and tone of voice. The voice helps to evoke an emotional response from readers that they may not have felt while reading if it had been written in another way.

Voice is an important aspect of writing because it’s what gives a piece life and vitality. It can be difficult to understand the difference between a first-person narrator and a third-person objective narrator, as they can be similar or different depending on the situation. The voice may guide readers through events as well as form an emotional attachment with the characters on the page.

Voice in writing is how an author’s voice varies as a character or narrator. The voice can be positive, negative, objective, personal, or emotional. This article explains the different types of voices to help writers understand what they should use when creating their own work.

This is not just for books or literature; these voices in writing are carefully used in blogs as well. For most blogs, the author’s voice is used.

Why should you consider a particular type of voice?

why is voice important in writing

Voice is important when writing a character because it helps make them unique. A voice can be noticed in the first lines of your writing, but it’s how this interacts with your story throughout that makes the difference.

This is why the type of voice is important for writing a character and even a blog or sales copy.

Let’s see the different types of voices in writing in detail below!

Types of voices in writing

A story is driven by the words of the characters, narrator, and author. The voice can show different points of view depending on who is narrating the story. One interesting type is the second-person narrative, which means that the narrator directly addresses the reader. One character’s thoughts form a third-person limited narration, meaning that it only refers to one character.

A third-person subjective voice can show the author’s opinion of what a character might say or think. The voice comes from a subject such as “he” or “she.” The active voice is used when you are describing something that happens to someone else, like the following sentence:

The people of the town were deep asleep.

Lastly, there’s also a first-person authorial viewpoint, which allows for more expression and emotion than other voices.

An example of a third-person subjective voice is in A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin.

1. Narrator’s voice

In a story, there are three types of voices. The narrator’s voice is determined by their role in the story and narrative style. The first-person narrator is more involved in what happens because they have a vested interest in the story.

The narrator’s voice is very important in terms of the reader’s experience. It influences how readers see events that happen or what they think about them, and it also helps define characters.

The narrative voice is the perspective of a story. This can be told as a first-person or third-person narrative, and it’s usually in simple terms like “he said” and “she answered.”

The three types of narrative voice are first person, second person, and third person. The narrator in this case is not you.

The narrator’s voice is an important factor that affects the success of a story. The first-person point-of-view is best for narration when the author wants to provide readers a good sense of what the narrator thinks, feels, and says.

The second-person narrator uses an intimate voice to convey a sense of intimacy with the reader.

As a third-person limited narrative voice is the most commonly selected in writing communities, the narrator can also be a character or secondary character. This type of narration does not necessarily represent the author’s point of view and should always include some indication of who the character is so readers know who is telling the story.

Example of narrator’s voice in writing 

Narrator’s voice example from Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway:

The narrator’s voice in writing can be a character in the story, an entity providing the facts of the story, or even an emotional voice. Ernest Hemingway provides an example of a narrator’s voice in his short story “Hills Like White Elephants.”

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2. Author’s voice

An author’s voice reflects the attitude of the author. In nonfiction writing, an author’s voice is most prominent.

The author’s voice is apparent in this type of narration because it tells the story authoritatively. News sources provide a great example of an author’s voice—although the news should be neutral, the presenter is visible, and they sometimes clearly show an opinion.

An author’s voice is evident in their narration. A writer’s style can be defined by the use of sentence structure, phrase selection, and punctuation.

The author’s voice is the way their personality comes through on the page. Narrative essays can have a unique point of view, but they should be true to what happened in real life.

The author’s voice is determined by the narrator or author of a text. The character’s voice refers to speech and thought patterns that make up a narrative, while the narrators are defined by their style.

The author’s voice is a trait that can be seen in their writing style, tone of words used, and subject matter. It shows the personality and attitude of the author as well as any personal connections they have with the story.

Examples of author’s voice in writing 

Author’s voice example from The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green:

John Green is an author who often writes nonfiction on recent history and current events. He writes from his own perspective, based on his observations and research.

3. Character voices

Character voice is a style of writing that uses characters’ perspectives to tell the story. The author may choose to show the voices of different characters and third-person narrators, as well as using multiple voices to show the same event from different angles.

The author uses different voices that approach the same events with different attitudes. A character’s voice is a way to give your character an individual personality.

This can be effective when you use different methods like reading the dialogue aloud, including names, eliminating unnecessary exposition, and showing identifying types and traits of the speakers. However, actions speak louder than words, so it’s important not only to have unique voices but also to make sure that characters act consistently in their roles.

The character’s voice is revealed by asking them questions and letting them talk. The narrative is usually told in the first person or third person. Speech is described via characters’ viewpoints and the narrator’s viewpoint (as a character) and how they speak in particular situations or events. Their actual speech would only come from direct quotations, sometimes taken out of context or with regard to what they say at a particular time and place. Voice is also shaped by what is said by other characters, usually close friends or family members.

Examples of character voices in writing

Character voice example from Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White:

Charlotte is the character who tells most of the story within the book, and she speaks in clear language with an inspirational tone. Wilbur has a self-effacing nature that is shown through his voice.


Types of voices in writing are important to express the story to the reader. Whether it is sales copy, a blog post, or a story, you should use voice carefully for maximum effect.