Types of Writing Jobs: 32 Different Types of Writers You Might Want to Become

by Outranking
Updated On: September 29, 2023
Types of Writing Jobs 32 Different Types of Writer You Might Want to Become

Types of Writing Jobs 32 Different Types of Writer You Might Want to Become

Every day, people are creating quality content for companies. Their writing makes the companies look good, saves time and money, and drives sales.

There are many different types of writing assignments available to freelance writers today.

How do you know which one is right for you? And what sort of work might they be asking for?

You can find out by checking out our answers below about 32 common types of writing jobs offered online today.

What is a writing job?

There are many different types of writing jobs. Some examples include writing advertisements, instruction manuals, journal articles, and novels. Creative people with a strong command of the language can be successful in these types of jobs. The most popular writing jobs are advertising copywriting and novel writing.

Why should you do a writing job?

There are many different types of writing jobs that you might want to consider when you’re looking for employment opportunities, particularly in the field of marketing and advertising. Copywriters are among the highest-paid professionals in this industry.

The act of writing can be rewarding for individuals and help them to take control over their lives. The process allows people to work with what they love, focus on self-development, and make a difference in the world.

It’s not always easy to find the right type of job, but learning how you want to live your life will allow you to find success and change your trajectory if necessary.

What are the different types of writing jobs?

types of writing jobs

There are many different types of writing jobs. How do you figure out what your ideal niche is? There are many different types of writing niches, but some people prefer a certain type of writing. See if anything in this list sparks your interest.

Blog writing

Blog writing is a popular way to produce content online. Businesses want blog posts because it’s easy to produce them. They are typically 800–1,500 words long, and you can include certain keywords to rank higher with Google.

Long-form blog writing is a type of blogging that focuses on producing posts of 2,000–5,000 words or more. Bloggers who want to produce long-form blogs can create specialized content and focus more closely on this work-from-home opportunity.

Blog writing is a great recurring gig. The tone of blog topics varies from educational to entertaining.

With Outranking, you can easily do all types of blog writing with ease and rank high on Google.

Email marketing writing jobs

Email marketing is one of the most crucial aspects of any business. Email marketing writers are responsible for writing sales funnels, opt-in funnels, and emails alerting subscribers of the latest deals and products.

One key point to note about email marketing is that it’s not easy work. You have to be willing to work long hours on your craft for your efforts to be rewarded with success.

As an email writer, you might be expected to write emails at least 2 or 3 times a day, which can be taxing. As an email writer, you would also be responsible for writing email campaigns to increase conversions and make sales.

The number of email users is expected to rise from 4 billion in 2020 to 4.6 billion by 2025. This means that there are a lot more opportunities for writers with different types of writing skills and experience to create successful email marketing campaigns on behalf of their company or client.

Social media writing jobs

Some businesses rely heavily on their social media presence. They need to make updates every day, but this can be time-consuming for a small business owner or entrepreneur. Copyblogger hired Lauren Spear as an editorial assistant to do this because of her social media experience.

This is the age of social media, and every business should be present on social platforms. Freelancers are perfect for this type of work, as they can pick up jobs in diverse sectors such as marketing, public relations, or even content writing without much difficulty.

To succeed in picking up these types of gigs, freelancers need to be all-rounders. They must have a keen eye for detail and focus on their strengths, like design skills, and weaknesses, like grammar skills, if they want to find work as a social media writer.

Social media platforms are how audiences respond to and interact with social content. If you want to hire for social media content creation, advertise it on those same platforms.


Copywriting is a type of advertising. Copywriting is the process of writing content that can be used for marketing purposes.

Copywriters are often employed by advertising agencies or businesses in their marketing departments. They use compelling content to drive sales and help promote a business’s products or websites, sometimes through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Copywriting is a skill that requires research, thought, and strategy. Copywriting typically needs to be persuasive for the content to resonate with the audience.

A copywriter is a professional who writes advertising and marketing materials for various media. They have a national average salary of $50k annually and often need a bachelor’s degree in English, journalism, communications, advertising, or a related field to be qualified. Copywriters receive rates that depend on the job duties.

Copywriters are hired to create persuasive writing that appeals to the audience and helps companies sell their products or services. In addition, good copywriters are often highly valued due to the high demand for these services.

A copywriter is an advertising and publicity specialist who can sometimes obtain employment without a degree or portfolio. However, it’s more common for those with degrees to become copywriters, as they have the demonstrated skill sets that employers are looking for in their workforce.

Most agencies are looking for writers with a four-year English, communications, or journalism degree.

Copywriters are experts in creating promotional content that is designed to invoke action. These individuals must have experience with social media and SEO, as well as excellent written communication skills. They should be able to manage multiple projects simultaneously while maintaining high standards of quality for each.

The Methods feature of Outranking can help you with producing compelling copywriting.

Business writing

Businesses need to create landing pages with engaging and attention-grabbing content. Business writing can take many forms, such as simple sales copy or more specific ad copy.

Business writing is the process of drafting documents for business purposes. These can be either formal or informal. Formal writing includes white papers, reports, articles, and press releases, while informal communication includes presentations or emails to a client.

Formal and informal business writing should be understood as two different types of communication. There are also rules for each type. For example, in formal business writing such as composing emails, notices, memos, and posters, the use of language is more nuanced than in informal writing to give subtle hints for selling or advertising.

New businesses are launching every day, so if you have experience in business planning and drafting business plan proposals, then this type of writing job can be your niche! However, you need to be an expert.

10x your content production

Empowering writers, not replacing them.

Legal writing

Law firms do lots of paperwork and require writers who understand legal lingo. In this case, it’s important to have experience in a law firm or writing for lawyers. Some of the advertised writing jobs can be lucrative. However, there are other types of writing opportunities that can pay well too.

Resume writing jobs

A resume writer writes professional resumes for individuals looking to find work. It can be rewarding because there is greater job security, and it’s often less difficult than finding a full-time job. You may make good money with this type of writing if you can contract the work out or offer it as a sought-after freelance service.

Resume writing is one of the most common types of work for writers, but it can also be challenging. It’s important to spend time preparing resumes that are tailored to clients’ academic and professional experience. Resumes should highlight skills that will stand out in an interview setting while still highlighting relevant qualifications like education or certifications.

White papers

Writing white papers is an interesting type of writing job. White papers can be in-depth or brief, and they usually refer to one specific issue. White papers are used in commerce to impress customers by giving them more information on a topic or presenting a company’s value proposition.

White papers are long-form pieces of writing that allow more evidence and data to back up your arguments. White papers are useful marketing tactics for companies, and they typically have a high number of citations with links to quality sources.

White papers are written in a more academic setting, which means they typically cost $5000 to $7000. They’re also often one-off jobs that aren’t recurring unless you can keep a client for multiple projects.

Long-form content

Long-form content is anything between 2,000 and 7,500 words. Longer content dominates search rankings because it contains significant detail.

When it comes to content marketing, there is a general misconception that long-form content refers to articles of around 1,200 words or longer. However, in reality, many readers actually crave meatier articles with more depth and detail.

Kevin Delaney at Quartz explained the Quartz Curve model, which determines what type of content readers prefer. This tends to be either short or long, but not in-between. Long-form articles are intended for increased user engagement and higher search traffic but not return traffic.

Academic writing

There are many different types of writing jobs, but the main type in universities is academic writing. Academic writers help students with their essays or scientists with their studies and can make a living by doing so.

The academic writing industry is a lucrative one. Proofreading and editing can be very important for improving the flow and structure of a draft.

Academic writing is different from other types of writing because it requires a certain level of expertise. The constraints imposed by publishers can also be very strict. Be wary of plagiarism or cheating if you work in this field.

academic writing

Book writing jobs

Depending on what type of writing project someone is hiring for, they may need a particular type of writer. For example, if someone needs help with an eBook or blog post about their life, business, or product, they may hire a writer to interview them and then use notes taken during the interview to create it.

Other people just need a short eBook for a website or a publication to make content available without having to write it themselves.

Technical writing

Technical copy is a mix between creating white papers and copywriting. It provides detailed and informative content for an expert audience that requires high standards of quality. If you have an eye for editing and know your way around computer systems or other tools, then this type of writing might be perfect for you!

Technical writers use technical terms, data, and evidence to communicate. They develop manuals, user guides, and other types of documentation.

Technical writers have a variety of skills that they need to be successful in this field. They must know how to draw information from professionals, as well as be able to communicate with others through writing and speaking. This job has one of the best outlooks for employment because there is a high demand for technical writers both domestically and internationally, and this is expected to grow over time.

Many blog posts on Outranking are very technical when it comes to explaining SEO.

Quiz writing jobs

A quiz writing job is very unique and requires knowledge of various things. It may even test your meme knowledge as well. Quizzes help with engagement on social networks and websites. This is a potentially fun career.

Video scripts

YouTube video streaming users watch more than one billion hours of videos per day. Video script writing jobs can be found on sites like Upwork and Freelancer.

To create a video script, you should write the sections that are most important to your project. You can also use these scripts as notes for further video editing.

Scripts are typically used in videos that have a conversational tone, addressing the viewer directly. Scripts can be written by hand or created automatically through software.

Script writing is an important job in the video marketing industry. Video scripts are often used to promote products, brands, or services for businesses.

Video script writing is a growing industry. In the US alone, video marketing is already worth $135 billion, and the number of video marketers is growing by 75% annually. The market for videos has increased tremendously due to the ability to reach audiences on different channels such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Script writing is also used in making videos for learning. Entrepreneurs, bloggers, coaches, and others are creating videos for tactics and strategies that can be used by their audience.

Greeting card writing jobs

A greeting card writer is someone who makes paid submissions to a greeting card company. The key to becoming a successful greeting card writer is producing something that appeals to the broadest spectrum of people. It can be difficult, but playing around with rhymes, allusions, and metaphors can be good practice in terms of writing for this type of job.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a highly effective conversion tool for businesses. One way to improve the success rate is to write content that the recipient is interested in to entice them to sign up for emails or fill out a contact form.

Email marketing is a vital part of online communication that can be used to further your business. It may also be necessary for sales funnels, opt-in funnels, and emails alerting subscribers about the latest deals in store.

Email marketing is a great way to get your company’s message across through electronic communications. You may also be responsible for writing engaging newsletters and email headings.

Email marketing is a powerful and cost-effective way to reach out to potential clients. Email marketing is similar to copywriting, but the audience you are targeting is more specific.

Email marketing is an effective way to reach your target audience, but it’s important that you write for their needs. Email users are expecting personalized content and also want to receive information in small chunks rather than in one big email blast. With this type of marketing, it’s important to have an existing subscriber base.

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to get your message out. It can be done as a freelancer or by targeting a list of companies that you want to work for in the future. 

Email marketing is a way to reach potential customers. It’s an effective strategy that increases brand awareness and customer loyalty, but it requires skillful writing to be successful, as well as time management skills for reaching out with your email campaigns at the right time.

Product descriptions

There are a variety of different types of product writing jobs. Some examples of these include product descriptions, press releases, and web copy. Effective product descriptions are short and to-the-point, informing customers about what they’re buying in easy-to-understand language.

Product descriptions are highly optimized for SEO purposes. They can be interesting and informative, but they also have to be concise to rank high on search engines so that customers will visit the website.

Product descriptions are written by experienced writers who have a lot of experience in the field. They know what works and how to optimize their product descriptions for different audiences. Product descriptions are an excellent tool when advertising products online or offline, but they must also consider the competition’s product description since this is highly optimized too.

Product descriptions are a way for companies to market their products. Product descriptions have been in use since the early 1900s and are used by companies that sell a wide range of different items, from books to shoes to cars. If you enjoy writing short blurbs, then product descriptions may be something worth looking into as an occupation.

An SEO-optimized and persuasive product description will sell more products.


A novelist is someone who writes fiction or nonfiction novels, usually with the hopes of becoming famous. Novelists enjoy global fame and are one of the most sought-after types of writers.

A novelist is someone who writes books. Novels take a lot of time and effort, but the satisfaction from writing them may rival anything else in life. The satisfaction of becoming an author is unmatched, and the best part about forging your own story is getting feedback after completing the first draft and fine-tuning your work.

If you have a great idea and want to imagine characters in situations that force them to change, you might be able to make it as a novelist. Novelists are not very different from other writers; they just succeed at writing stories more than others do. 

The average salary for a novelist in the US is around $50k per year, with earnings ranging anywhere from under $15k up to over $100k annually.


Journalists are often seen as the public watchdogs of society and usually work for news organizations. They often write about crime, government, business, and other important topics that impact people’s daily lives.

Journalists must maintain a reputation for their name. They are respected for reporting facts without bias. Ethics in journalism is considered a sacred duty.

Journalists are people who take reporting the truth seriously. They often face difficult situations and conflicts, but they understand how important their work is for society and their own aspirations.

Journalists have a wide range of skills that are needed to produce quality reporting. Entry-level journalists may start with writing, but they need more experience before becoming an editor or reporter. A Master’s in Journalism is helpful for people entering this field and can help interested students get the most out of their education.

Journalists can be employed in different forms. A non-traditional schedule is possible, and they also have the opportunity to work their way into a niche or industry that suits them best. They get paid an average of around $50k per year; this figure is a bit higher for editors.


Columnists offer their own opinions and perspectives on current events. They should know their audience well and write with a distinct voice.

If you’re looking for a new outlet to write and get paid, then blogs are an option. You can also check out other media outlets, such as magazines or even television productions that need freelance writers.

Columnists are paid to give a subjective opinion on current events. As such, they often write for out-of-the-box entities and step outside of their comfort zone to do so.

Columnists are paid to give their opinions on current events and offer persuasive and reasoned perspectives. As a columnist, you’re expected to use rhetorical devices such as analogies or metaphors.

working as a columnist


There are many different types of writing jobs, and a screenwriter is among the highest-paid. The story is the most important part of making a film, but it can also affect how much screenwriters are paid based on how well it is received by studio executives.

Demand for professional screenwriters is on the rise. Screenwriters are creative people who turn ideas into scripts for films or television shows. They often work in Hollywood, but they can also be found in New York and around the world.

Screenwriters need to understand the basic structure of a screenplay and how to create interesting characters. They also should be open to receiving constructive criticism, not only to learn and grow personally but to become better screenwriters as well.

In comparison to other professions in the creative industry, screenwriters have a respectable salary. However, most of their time is spent making revisions and not writing new content.

Travel writer

A travel writer explores different cities, locations, and cultures. This type of writing job can earn lucrative salary packages because travel is a growing industry.

Many travel writers have a passion for the profession. The freedom of being able to start their own blog and earn from their craft is enticing, which also allows them to engage better with readers.

When it comes to travel writing, there are different types of people. Some are interested in the practical aspects, while others just want to have fun and engage their readers with creative content. The goal is not only informing but also entertaining at the same time.

Freelance writer

Freelance writers are flexible and can meet writing goals while producing a variety of types of content. Freelance writers are self-employed writing professionals who take assignments from various sources for short or long-term projects.

Freelance assignments may include writing, editing, and translating content across multiple languages. Freelancers are often used to fill the gaps in creative work that are not provided by full-time employees.

A freelance writer is someone who works for an individual or company and often has the flexibility of working at home. Freelance writers have exceptional language skills, which allow them to produce quality work while meeting deadlines.

Cybersecurity writer

A cybersecurity writer is someone who has a background in both writing and IT. 

Cybersecurity writers are responsible for writing and presenting content to help companies understand their information systems. They work with the marketing department, legal counsel, and even in-house lawyers by providing them with a wide range of written materials such as presentations, infographics, or case studies.

10x your content production

Empowering writers, not replacing them.


Proofreading is an easy addition to your freelance writing services. Proofreaders are looking for the smallest mistakes, errors, or typos in a text they will most likely be reading over and over again.

There are three types of editing: basic editing, advanced editing, and copyediting. Basic editors will look for spelling errors and grammar problems, while advanced editors typically focus on major structural changes to a text that can improve its quality overall. Copyeditors work with sentences to find logical inconsistencies that may have been overlooked by other types of edits.

If you want to work as a freelance editor or proofreader, try to find businesses that want you to check their content. It’s also crucial for the business owner to find out what they need before hiring an editor or proofreader. If you want to do freelancing in addition to editing and writing, you should start by finding jobs on websites like Upwork, where there are plenty of opportunities available at all times.

If you want to find freelance editing jobs, you must have a strong foundation. You need to do the right groundwork before trying to find work as an editor. We strongly recommend undertaking training before attempting this career path.

Editing is a skill that requires training and education. If you want to be successful as a freelance editor, you must have the ability to identify grammar errors and update content following the relevant style of writing.


Ghostwriting is when a client hires someone else to take their ideas and organize them into a speech or article. Clients can hire ghostwriters for speeches, social media posts, articles, books, blogs, videos, radio spots, and more.

A ghostwriter is someone who writes for another person, often in the form of an article or essay. They may operate virtually from scratch—listening to what a customer wants to put out under their name and then doing whatever is necessary to write an effective piece.

There are many types of ghostwriting, but the most common type is when someone writes a blog post or article for their client. Clients publish these pieces as their own, and they own the rights to content created by this service.

Ghostwriting is a service in which content writing agencies hire writers to write under a company name. While it’s very profitable, ghostwriters cannot share or post these materials on their portfolio, and they must be willing to let the company take credit for all of their work.

Grant writing

Grant writing is a type of job that helps non-profit organizations and other tax-exempt entities operate. Grants are needed to fund projects and sustain operations, and many nonprofits rely on grants as an important source of revenue.

Grant writers help these groups secure money by researching possible sources and writing compelling proposals. The proposal should be well thought out, detailed, and impressive enough to prompt the donors into giving their money away.

Grant writers must pay meticulous attention to deadlines and detail to avoid disqualification. If the applicant is not prepared properly, certain risk factors could jeopardize their chances of receiving a grant.

Grant writing is a process that allows individuals and organizations to seek funding from various government agencies. These proposals are the culmination of an extensive research process, followed by revisions and drafts until they finally reach the final form.

Grant writers create research proposals that request funding from different government agencies. Grant writing helps non-profit organizations that need revenue to obtain funding.

Medical writing

Medical writers may have a background in health services or biological sciences, and they are usually competent writers. Medical writing is an excellent profession for those who enjoy working with people and being creative with technical topics.

Medical writing is a job that involves producing instructions for pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment firms, health organizations, and the like. These people are employed to produce accurate information to ensure their products’ safety standards.

A medical writer is someone with both the creative and linguistic skills of a writer and the expertise of a medical professional. The job entails writing presentations based on trials or experimental procedures, writing information pamphlets for new medicines and treatments, as well as generating marketing materials.

Medical writing is a field of technical writing that deals with varying levels of experience and comprehension. The goal for medical writers is to provide information in such a way that it’s easy for people to understand while still remaining accurate and thorough.

Medical writers are responsible for analyzing and interpreting medical data. They also have an average salary of $70k, with a range from $55k to over $100k per year.

A medical writer’s job is to communicate with doctors, researchers, patients, and other healthcare professionals. Medical writers can have an academic background in biology or other sciences or experience in the medical field. They are responsible for writing clinical research papers, market reports, and sales materials that explain products to potential consumers

Medical writing is a career with many opportunities and great pay. With an academic background in biology or other sciences, experience in the medical field, and skills that include research report writing, there’s room for growth as you move up to senior positions.

Instructional (or curriculum) writer

Instructional writers are responsible for creating content that helps students to learn. They might create online lessons and tutorials, standardized test questions, K–12 curriculum, or tutoring materials.

In most cases, instructional designers are hired by companies to develop courses and write instructions. In addition, they are responsible for creating a curriculum from scratch or modifying an existing one to meet the needs of students to increase customer retention rates.

To make sure that the content of a course is effectively delivered, experts in the field should write it. This way they can ensure content accuracy and consistency for each student taking the class.

working as a curriculum writer


Poets are people who may share their work on various social media sites, including Instagram and Tumblr. They can also join a poetry community. There are many ways to get published by publishing your own book or contacting an agent online.


The demand for translators is expected to grow by 19% in the next few years. This job requires attention to detail, but it does not include making changes to the text. The average salary of a translator is $57k.

Video game copywriter

Video game copywriters typically start by researching video custom game development companies. They create personal projects in the meantime; when they find a company that’s interested in their work, they send them samples of what they’ve written to see if it fits with what the company is looking for.

They work closely with developers, graphic designers, animators, and voice actors to create the best possible games. These scripts often use a conversational tone that is popular among gamers today.

Where can you find a writing job?

where to find writing jobs


Upwork is a freelance job site that offers all types of writing jobs. It was founded in 2015 and has since become one of the most reputable websites for freelancers, especially writers. As Upwork is known for its large number of freelance opportunities, pay rates vary depending on the project’s content and duration.

The bidding system can make it difficult for novice freelancers to make good money, so start off with low-paying work until you build up your portfolio and gain experience.

The pros of Upwork include long-term contracts, bonuses, and the ability to build relationships with clients. The cons are low-paying jobs and a lot of competition. It takes time to build your profile to stand out on Upwork so you can get more gigs in the future.

Upwork is one of the best platforms to get various types of freelance writing jobs.


ProBlogger has one of the best job boards for bloggers. Copywriting and blog writing are two types of jobs on ProBlogger.

ProBlogger’s job board attracts top-paying and prestigious writing opportunities. The site also has many high-quality blog posts for writers, editors, and content creators to advertise their services on the website.

It offers copywriters, ghostwriters, editors, and proofreaders the opportunity to find their next job in writing.


iWriter is an online writing marketplace where writers can find freelance jobs. Writers are paid via PayPal, and the website has a huge variety of writing niches. You have the freedom to choose how much you want to write each day.

iWriter works on a pay-per-word basis. It is an opportunity for writers to build their client base and receive special requests, but it can be difficult to start earning money as soon as you join the platform.


Freelancer is the world’s largest freelancing and crowdsourcing marketplace. This website allows you to find a job that fits your skill set, interests, or location. If you are looking for freelance jobs in English language writing, then Freelancer can help you find the perfect job!

Freelancer offers a wide variety of job listings. If you are looking for work, this may be the place to start your search. Freelancer also has different types of jobs available, including copywriter, editor, grant writer, and content strategist positions, as well as creative writing positions.

As a freelancer, you can choose your own work hours and job opportunities. However, withdrawing funds takes up to 14 days.

The site offers both employers and employees the chance to set their own terms of employment, which means that you will not be tied down or have your options limited if something better comes along for either party involved in the process.


WriterAccess is a platform that connects customers, writers, copy editors, proofreaders, and translators. WriterAccess allows people to post jobs for these different types of positions.

The WriterAccess platform is a great idea for students looking to find their niche. In addition, it’s a good idea to upload writing samples with your profile on the site so that potential employers can see what you have done and decide whether or not they would be interested in hiring you.

WriterAccess is a marketplace for writers, offering services such as editing and public relations tasks. The site pays according to the number of stars you have attained on your profile.

WriterAccess is a platform that connects writers to publishers. The payment system has been criticized for being complex, making it difficult for new entrants in the writing industry.


Craigslist is a popular place for people to find job openings. It’s also a good source of freelance writing and editing jobs.

Craigslist is a classified site that offers various types of writing jobs, including freelance, technical work, creative endeavors, and editing. These rates vary depending on the company posting the job listing. Craigslist has been around for over 25 years in one form or another, with an established reputation as a reliable place to find goods or services at low prices.

Craigslist is a classified ads site with a variety of jobs in many different niches. The listings can be very general, and finding a good part-time job takes some patience.


Freelance writers can find freelance writing jobs on the social media site LinkedIn. A premium membership is required to send InMail messages for freelance work, but the rest of LinkedIn is free and open to anyone to build their network for jobs or professional connections.

Many companies have dedicated pages on LinkedIn. Many people are often looking for jobs or job openings, so it is a good idea to check the company’s page before contacting them.

LinkedIn is a social media platform that allows you to take advantage of all the benefits and opportunities available in today’s job market. However, companies with dedicated pages on LinkedIn generally require candidates to go through an application process and interview before they can secure their position. It might be difficult for these positions because many applicants are competing for them.

How much does a writing job pay?

how much can you earn as a writer

There are many different types of writing jobs that people can enter into, and each one has a unique set of factors. For example, technical copywriters often require a master’s in the field because it’s hard to find someone who is experienced enough for the job.

For a blogger, the sky is the limit if you build your own website and write there.

Many freelance sites may offer you up to $80 per 500 words.

Screenwriters and copywriters can earn at least $50k per year or more.

How much a writing job pays depends on your experience and skill set.

What are 5 careers that involve writing?

The following careers involve writing:

  1. Being a blogger
  2. Writing for newspapers, magazines, and other online outlets
  3. Copywriting as a career
  4. Grant writing as a career
  5. Editing as a career

Becoming a blogger

Blogging is increasingly becoming a career option in the publishing world. Blogging is distinguished by the fact that bloggers do not require publishing services or an outside publisher to distribute their work. Many bloggers see their blogging as a hobby, while others have turned it into a source of revenue and launched writing careers as a result.

While many people think of blogging only when they imagine “writing,” there are actually many different types of writing jobs out there for those who want them—even if you’re just starting out.

There are some types of writing jobs that might not even be on your radar yet, but they’re worth knowing about as you consider new career paths. And, if you are considering blogging as a writing job from home, you can look after your home easily as well.

Writing for newspapers, magazines, and online outlets

There are a variety of types of writing jobs, including media outlets such as print newspapers, magazines, and online publications. Journalists in these venues must have strong communication skills that allow them to interview sources and create well-written articles about current events that inform the public.

Contributors for these publications may also become involved in other aspects of the process; they may cover travel, report on sports, or conduct interviews with experts in their field. The job requirements vary depending on the type of journalist you want to be, but the most important aspect is that you have a strong grasp of your subject matter.

A bachelor’s degree in journalism, communications, or a related field is usually required for these types of writing jobs. Internships and volunteer positions can help you gain experience.

A degree in journalism is preferred to be hired as a news writer. A communications or English degree may qualify, as long as the graduate has experience writing for newspapers, magazines, or online outlets. News writers make an average of $23 per hour and may not be involved with many other tasks besides reporting the news or interacting with social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook.

Copywriting as a career

Copywriting as a career is becoming more and more popular. The job mainly focuses on advertising agencies, but there are many different types of copywriters from marketing to technical to SEO experts. Copywriters work with art directors and have the responsibility of interpreting and understanding the needs and mindset of target audiences.

When it comes to copywriting, there are many different types of writers that must be considered. The job roles and responsibilities vary depending on what type of work a person is applying for. However, to even consider yourself as a candidate for this type of position, you need at least four years of experience or an undergraduate degree in any related field like advertising or marketing. You should also have up-to-date spec ads with 20–25 pages featuring your creative vision which could potentially turn into a career.

Grant writing as a career

Grant writers are professionals that research, draft, and submit proposals. They work for nonprofit or charitable organizations, making the job perfect for those looking to make a difference in their community. Jobs are in high demand for grant writers because of the constant need for funding from both governments and private sources.

Grant writing is a career that allows people to work on projects for nonprofits, foundations, or other organizations. Grant writers are hired by companies who need their services to get funding through grants and government sources.

It’s competitive but rewarding because it can be difficult, challenging, and confusing at times due to the competitiveness of the field.

Editing as a career

An editor is a professional who specializes in the review and development of written material. While many people assume that editors are only employed by publishing companies, the truth is they’re often self-employed and work for themselves.

Freelance editing can be an ideal career path because it allows you to choose your own projects and manage your own hours while also enjoying freedom in terms of where you live or even what type of project you take on.

Even though editing is a highly profitable profession, its projected growth rate is slower than the average for all occupations.This type of job has many opportunities and salary ranges depending on what kind of work you do.

What writing jobs are most in-demand?

which writing jobs are the most popular

In-demand freelance writing jobs include many different types like poetry, blog posts, editing, and proofreading. Copywriting and blog writing jobs are always in demand. You can also look for jobs like editor, content marketing manager, and PR manager.

Are there any tools that can help you become a better writer?


Outranking.io is an SEO writing assistant that helps you analyze SERP results quickly, build outlines, and create content that ranks. The AI Wizard helps you write outlines in less than 15 minutes and generates title and meta description ideas for your post. 

The Concepts feature helps you do factual research and understand what sections to cover. 

Last but not least, Methods and GPT-3 will help you create custom AI content with a few clicks to outrank your competitors.


Grammarly is an online writing assistant that helps you get rid of spelling and grammar errors and improve your writing. It also checks for clear and concise writing to make sure you don’t use unnecessary or hard-to-read words. 

Plus, Grammarly’s integration with Outranking will help you check the spelling and grammar of your content right in the Outranking editor, without the need to switch from one tool to another.

What type of writing pays the most?

Freelance writing is a type of work where you get paid varying rates. You can find work as a freelance writer in many different types of projects, including website copy, technical content, and marketing.

Content marketing is a new way to earn money through writing. It’s the perfect combination of creative thinking and traditional writing with marketable ideas, which can pay handsomely.

The highest-paying writing jobs are on Upwork, ProBlogger, and Freelancer. On the other hand, iWriter has a higher pay rate than some other freelance writing job sites.

Among the types of content writing jobs, copywriting might be the highest paying job.

10x your content production

Empowering writers, not replacing them.

What jobs require the most writing?

There are many types of writing jobs. A beginner freelance writer might try a few different types to see which ones they prefer and which one best suits their skill set. White papers and long-form blog content often require the most writing.


As you see, we have found 32 types of content writing jobs. Almost all of these can be done from home, and thus you can manage your work–life balance perfectly.

Almost all of these content writing jobs can be done easily with Outranking. It helps you write factually correct content. With the ease of research with this tool, you can create outstanding content in no time!