Types of Professional Writing: From Fiction to Memos

by Outranking
Updated On: October 2, 2023
Types of Professional Writing From Fiction to Memos

Types of Professional Writing From Fiction to Memos

What is professional writing?

Professional writing is the process of creating an informative, persuasive, and error-free piece of text as a job or service. The type of content that professional writers are typically engaged in ranges from academic texts like research papers to newspaper articles, websites, and social media posts. Professional writing often refers to writing within the context of a workplace but can mean any type of writing as a profession.

The purpose of professional writing is not only to entertain but also to educate.

To ensure their content is taken seriously, writers often follow set guidelines when they write for business purposes. These standards are globally accepted and established by organizations such as Forbes Magazine and Harvard Business Review, which will disregard work that does not meet professional standards.

All professional writers follow these guidelines when creating content, and in the case of ignorance on their part, they may have to re-write their work or risk having it rejected as unprofessional.

Professional writing is a type of creative work that’s often done by expert copywriters. Writing often needs to be carefully crafted with facts on the subject because clients can’t afford any mistakes or anything that would render the content ineffective. Without professional writing services, companies have to do their own research and spend countless hours trying to find the information they need for their projects.

The motive behind this type of work may be for personal entrepreneurial use or business environments when you have something specific that your company wants to convey.

Professional writers offer their services in an array of different forms, including web pages, social media posts, and newsletters.

Through content, you can define your authority on the subject matter to attract more business opportunities. This type of writing also influences buyers by providing them with consistent engagement between you and your audience through customer-centric messaging that provides true value for the buyer’s time.

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Why consider professional writing?

The purpose of professional writing is often to influence consumers’ buying decisions. Professional writing helps a business attract its target customers and engage them in the sales process through content that is relevant, valuable, and attention-grabbing – a key aspect of marketing copywriting.

Professional writers observe these set guidelines: use standard grammar, avoid using slang or jargon, provide context for unfamiliar words, stick to your topic, and include specific information about who you are targeting (the consumer) with your message.

As an individual, it’s important to consider professional writing when you’re in need of content. It may not be necessary to hire a pro writer for every project because sometimes fiction can be just as effective at advancing your agenda or making buyers want what you have. But if your specific goal is getting people excited about something and buying into it, hiring a professional will help achieve that for your target audience with ease through quality content creation without any worries about plagiarism or copyright infringement.

What are different types of professional writing?

types of professional writing

Here are the most common types of professional writing documents that are used in almost all businesses.

1. Business letters

Business letters fall under the category of instructional text. Informational documents and minutes are both types of professional writing that can be used in business settings. They consist of different documents, such as user manuals and meeting minutes.

Writing a business letter can be formal and professional. The length of the letter depends on the purpose, the writer’s objective, and the message that needs to be conveyed. A good way to begin writing a business letter is by outlining what you want to say in your introduction paragraph before diving into your body paragraphs.

A business letter can be as short or long as the writer needs. The recipient’s address must always be included in a business letter, and it should also include who is writing the letter. Finally, the body of a business letter is where you write your main message.

A business letter is typically used to convey company information. A standard format for a brief paragraph should be followed, including the date and name of the sender, recipient, and salutation (“Dear Mr. Smith” or “Greetings!”) with an opening line that briefly states what you want to discuss. The body of your message follows this introductory line, followed by closing lines asking for feedback on your message if needed or thanking the recipient for their time.

2. Emails

Email writing is the most common type of business communication. Emails can be used to communicate with employees or customers, share information, provide instructions on how to use a product or service, or serve as an informational marketing tool. 

3. Reports

Reports are documents that archive and communicate information, record incidents, or finalize projects and recommendations.

A report can be a formal written document for internal business purposes. One example is the findings and analysis for a marketing study that includes an introduction, executive summary, and information on the findings.

There are many different types of reports that can be created to provide information on a specific topic. Knowing how your audience is going to read the report will help you determine which type of report would be most beneficial for them.

The purpose of each section is important for readers, as they need to find the information they want. The quality of organization of your report will help them find what they are looking for.

Know what the audience is looking for in your report. Then, provide that information with each section of your document. Organizing reports can help readers find important information easily and quickly.

4. Newsletters

Business newsletters can be brief, punchy, and simple. You should maintain interest by keeping it brief, but you must also keep it interesting.

To maintain a strong audience, newsletters should be informative and include an interesting angle. This will keep your customers engaged with the company’s content as they learn about what is happening in their world.

Research shows that the perfect length for a newsletter is about 20 lines of text or 200 words. This helps you connect with more customers and boosts your content marketing strategy.

Newsletters are a powerful tool that can be used to improve your business’s credibility and authority. Newsletters boost content marketing strategies, which in turn increase engagement with customers. You can customize them for stronger engagement by providing unique messages tailored to readers’ needs.

5. Memos

Memo writing is an art form. It differs from other types of professional writing because it’s used within organizations to communicate information. In contrast, letters are typically written for people outside of an organization. The style should be brief and easy to navigate while maintaining a professional tone throughout the document.

Memo writing is an art form that requires a good structure. Brief, easy-to-read, and fast memos are more likely to be effective in bringing attention to problems and solving them with suggestions on how the problem can be solved or handled better.

Memos are short and to the point, which is what makes them effective. The goal of a memo should be clear and concise; it shouldn’t take more than one paragraph for the audience to understand what’s going on. When writing memos, keep your last paragraph actionable so that readers will take appropriate actions after reading your message (such as signing up for an internal email list or an event).

Include a brief closing statement with a summary of the key information from the memo. This can be a point-form summary or a short paragraph.

6. Press releases

Press releases are a great way of communicating your company, products, events, or policies to the public. They can be used to get people’s attention and share information about yourself with a broad audience. A press release is also an effective tool for marketing and PR purposes. Press releases often notify the media of an upcoming event in hopes that they will spread the word.

Press releases are short and to the point. PR professionals send press releases to propose news story ideas, which can then be published online or in print media.

Press releases are a tool used by PR professionals. The goal of a press release is to pique the interest of journalists or publications, which leads to increased traffic for websites and potential SEO opportunities. This can be done through various methods such as emailing reporters directly or sending out a mass email with a link that points back to your website. You can also post this on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

While press releases are important to your business’s media relations, they don’t guarantee you exposure in the media.

7. Meeting agendas

A meeting agenda is a list of items and the timing for a meeting. The goal is to identify the meeting’s goals and discuss topics. A clear, well-written agenda can help you stay on track at meetings.

When a meeting starts, participants should already have an agenda. The purpose of the agenda is to set clear expectations for what needs to occur before and during a meeting.

The purpose of the agenda is to create a clear set of topics, objectives, and time frames for attendees. It sets expectations about what needs to occur before and during a meeting.

The agenda is a list of activities that participants hope to accomplish during their meeting. It saves time for all the involved parties since they can plan ahead with an agenda in hand.

8. Resumes and cover letters

A cover letter is your introduction to your resume, and it can be up to 400 words long. A good way to tie experience in with the job description is by mentioning the skills that you have specifically listed in the job description. It should also include a mention of how you meet the qualifications for the position.

The type of writing is formal and professional, so a similar style is perfect for any level of employment.

A professional resume writer’s job is to craft a compelling marketing document for a candidate. An ideal resume writer has experience in hiring, has industry-specialized knowledge or education, and often has formal training.

9. Handbooks

Handbooks are a great way for employers to outline strategies for thinking, writing, and acting. They can be valuable to both the employer and employee because they set out rules that should be followed. Handbooks protect employers against claims, but they also help managers build an ethical framework in which employees work.

Handbooks are a document typically available to employees and customers. They are an easily accessible guide to a company’s policies and practices, as well as an overview of management expectations.

Handbooks are also often legal documents that must be reviewed by a lawyer to ensure compliance with guidelines. Handbooks should adhere to consistent style rules for headers, lists, notices, and graphics.

Handbooks should also use tables and documentation to make it easier for the reader to understand.

10. Responses to customer complaint letters

One type of professional writing is creating memos and letters that respond to customer complaints or inquiries.

There are a few things you can do to handle customer complaints. First, clearly outline your plan for remedying the situation, and distribute it internally as well. Second, it’s easy to become defensive or write off responding to complaints as not worth the effort; however, those mistakes cost time and money in terms of lost business.

Responses to customer complaint letters often do not get communicated within a business. It is now more likely for customers to share feedback moving forward. Allowing customers to leave feedback can make it easier for them to continue doing business with a company in the future if they are satisfied by the interactions and feel like the response is adequate and do not fear retaliation from staff.

Depending on the field, most complaints might come via social media.

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How to find a professional writing job

how to find a professional writing job

Upwork is a well-known site for finding writing work. There are many different types of freelance jobs available on Upwork, including blogging for companies or posting content online. You may also be able to find freelance work through other sites like Freelancer and Guru.

There are multiple ways to get started if you’re looking for professional writing opportunities. One way that beginners can start is by applying for small jobs or advertising on their blog or website with the help of an editor or content manager. The second way is to find a job on Upwork that suits your skill set and apply for it. If you’re having trouble finding work, try posting an ad on Craigslist.

Another alternative for budding writers is to take up freelancing as a hobby while unemployed or doing another job.

To find a professional writing job, you can join groups such as Freelance Content Writers. They are all relatively easy to join, and most clients will be willing or happy to work with fresh talent. In addition, flexible scheduling options and the chance for self-determination in your occupation is an important motivator for many people who choose this career path.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career as a professional writer, it’s important to know what types of writing jobs exist and how to find them.

Many different types of freelance writing can be pursued, such as fiction or nonfiction articles. It is also possible for writers to bag some quite lucrative freelance work by cold pitching employers who might need their services. Cold pitching involves drafting an email describing your skills and aligning it with the company goals before any other correspondence takes place.

Creative writing is a great way to make money and build your portfolio, but it can be difficult for new writers. Networking sites like Instagram are a good place to connect with others who may know of potential jobs in the industry or people looking for creative work. LinkedIn is full of businesses looking to hire an SEO copywriter, so it is also worth investing time into finding connections on this site.

On top of these networking tools, having an eye-catching LinkedIn summary that conveys what you do can help you get your foot in the door. It is also a search engine like Google, so potential clients will be able to find writers on this site too.

To find a professional writing job, you need to have an established body of work. One way you can accomplish this is by doing guest blogging on other blogs and sites that pay for posts. The best part about building your portfolio through these opportunities is that they help build trust with potential clients because you’ve already shown the ability to consistently produce quality content in different formats and scenarios.

What is professional writing and how is it different from other types of writing?

Professional writing is a type of writing that is designed to influence business and buying decisions. Writing for the consumer market is primarily entertaining or amusing. Professional writers are not limited to any one genre, but most professional writers write fiction, non-fiction, journalism, opinion pieces, and personal narratives.

How is professional writing different from other types of writing?

Professional writing is different from other types of writing because it revolves around business needs and targeting the consumer. It is also often structured and formatted for a target audience.

Professional writing is different from other types of written content because it focuses on the brand and value being communicated to the target audience. Professional writers write for business marketing campaigns, not personal blogs. Other forms of written work may be created by people without any experience in professional writing, which lack the stricter scrutiny of a business audience.

What’s the difference between professional and technical writing?

Professional writing targets business needs and the buying decisions of consumers. Technical writing is more specialized and is used in fields such as engineering, science, or technology.

Specifications are one type of technical document that provides an outline for construction or reconstruction by an unfamiliar but knowledgeable user, enabling effective distribution of requirements.

Technical writing is used to produce informational materials to provide instruction or guidance. User manuals are considered part of instructional business writing and must specify what needs to be completed and in what order so that the reader knows exactly what they need to do next.

Professional and technical writing are two very different types of writing. Technical writers need to specialize in a certain subject or business, while professional writers typically do not have such requirements and are more flexible when it comes to their position. They’re both skilled in communicating information clearly and concisely with the intended audience; however, professional writers add value by doing so through broader experience that they’ve gained over time as well as education from institutions like universities.

What is the difference between academic and professional writing?

The type of writing that is typically found in books, newspapers, magazines, and websites is referred to as professional. In contrast, technical writing is used for purposes such as instruction manuals, software tutorials, reports on technical projects, or commercial materials. Content-focused websites may offer news or other information that can be read by the general public.

Academic writing is usually written for academics who are conducting research in a certain field. In academic writing, the focus is on research results instead of business communications or consumers. In many cases, academic writing does not concern corporate activities and is not directly motivated by economics.

What are examples of professional writing?

examples of professional writing

Professional writing generally includes texts written for business purposes. A professional writer’s job entails composing and editing documents, such as letters and memos, to be effective in the workplace. An important distinction between a professional writer and an amateur is that professional writers often have more training than amateurs do and receive a salary or fee for their service.

Common examples of professional writing include internal corporate communications, legal documents, business reports, government policies, and scripts in the entertainment industry. Much of the writing conducted in a workplace falls into this category.

What is professional media writing?

Professional media writing is when one writes, produces, and publishes a piece of content that can be used in the professional sphere, such as in public relations, journalism, or advertising. The end goal for this type of writing is to get published by an official company or organization.

The required core skills are organized thought, good communication, excellent grammar, language skills, clarity, and conciseness. Professional media writers often take core classes such as copy editing, technical writing, journalism, or creative writing before they even begin their career in professional media writing.

Professional media writing is the act of communicating ideas to a broad audience. It involves technical, journalistic, or creative skills that are applied in various formats for print and digital media. Students who complete relevant training can communicate effectively with professional audiences through written content and design expertise across a variety of platforms.

10x your content production

Empowering writers, not replacing them.

What is the salary range of professional writers?

According to Glassdoor, the average salary of a professional writer in the US is $39k per year, generally ranging from $21k to $71k based on the position and industry. Freelance writers may receive an hourly wage or fee per project. Many organizations hire writers, including large corporations, universities, and law firms.


We’ve reviewed the main categories in the broad field of professional writing. You can use Outranking’s SEO content software to structure and write many types of professional documents using AI-powered tools.